My GPR is effectively done, with the exception of the sights (still waiting :curse
and the "stick".
The ramrod is dull, plain, vanilla, grainless, get the idea. I saw a picture of Claypipe's GPR and it had a red ramrod. I thought that was striking. (Anyone know if that was stained wood or what?) I was wondering how common it is to have a contrasting ramrod. And what kind of finish do y'all favor (regardless of whether it contrasts or not)?
Thankya big big for sharing your ideas and experience, all! :master:
The ramrod is dull, plain, vanilla, grainless, get the idea. I saw a picture of Claypipe's GPR and it had a red ramrod. I thought that was striking. (Anyone know if that was stained wood or what?) I was wondering how common it is to have a contrasting ramrod. And what kind of finish do y'all favor (regardless of whether it contrasts or not)?
Thankya big big for sharing your ideas and experience, all! :master: