what type of target

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40 Cal.
Aug 20, 2004
Reaction score
this is for the guys who shoot at friendship, and shoot smoothbores, could you tell me what type of paper targets they shoot in their matches and at what yardages they shoot them,with patch round balls.
It all depends on the match, and if you are on the regular firing line, or shooting up in the Primitive range. Contact the NMLRA. You can join, and they will send you a shooting Program that described the various target events for the national matches. If you ask them, they can send you a brochure on their various targets( which are for sale so you can use them at your home range to practice). The Brochure should correlate to the targets listed for each shooting match.

On the primitive range, they shoot a lot at metal bang plates, of difference sizes and shapes. Those will NOT be listed in the brochure on targets. Ask about them. The dimensions are no secret, and any member can get that information. What is different than on most ranges is that on the primitive range, don't be surprised to have to be shooting UP HILL at a target that may be from 25-50 yards from you. Some paper targets are shot in the smoothbore primitive shooting courses, as well as the bangplates. Bangplate targets are scored, hit or miss, to keep it simple, and shooters moving from one station to the next. New courses are often added each year, and sometimes, older courses are changed because of some change in the range terrain. But, generally, once a match is set up, it does not change, so that there is continuity in judging past scores with current scores to determine the match record holders.
Here are some of the targets from the Western shoot from 2005.I think they have changed a few of them but this will give you a start.

Smoothbore Championship
25 yrds Squirrel
25 yrds running ground hog
50 yrds running deer
100 yrds 200 meter french target
all the animal targets have scoring rings

Sighted Smoothbore Championship
25 yrds 6 bull target (7ring black)
25 yrds 6 bull slug target
50yrds 100yard target (7 bring black)
100 yrds 200 meter french target

It seems like one of these was changed but I don't remember which.
I'll be setting the office for the Western this weekend and can get a better look if you need it.
I usually avoid the matches that require shooting at paper targets. Have I mentioned how much I hate punching holes in paper? At Friendship in smoothbore I always shoot the woodswalk which is about 20 shots at distances from 15 feet to 100? yards. The smoothbore silhouette match on Mainside is 20 targets in 20 minutes (I think). The match is 5 sets of targets at 5 different ranges. The nearest is the crow at about 20 yards and the farthest targets are about 120 yards but they are cut outs of a bear and stand about waist high.

The fun paper targets that I do shoot with a smoothbore is the Widowmaker target. This is a live size poster of a soldier. The target is a very small circle in the middle where the cross belts cross. This is shot at 25 yards.

One other match that needs to be mentioned is the Defense of Fort Greenville match. This is held on Wednesdays. After all other shooting on the primitive side is done shooters gather at the blockhouse. Grizz who posts here regularly runs the match. He puts the French soldier target up at 75 yards. Teams are made up of 3 people chosen at random. Two teams fire at one time, each out of their own window upstairs in the blockhouse. They have 5 minutes to put as many ball in the target as they can manage. Smoothbores and rifles have been used in this match. This match is a lot of fun.

Then there are the private matches that may occur at any moment on the practice range.

Come on down to Friendship, come to the top of Primitive Hill and introduce yourself.

Many Klatch

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