What would be the perfect weekend event ?

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62 Cal.
Aug 23, 2004
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I work with a local park and they are very interested in living history.
Live fire is limited at best. We can do as much blank firing as we wish.
Need some ideas...
Frontier skills?
Period Drill/tactics?
Big supper?
Public interaction?
Guest speakers?
Skill walks?
Shooting competition off site day at nearby range?
Half shelters on site or tents you bring?
My perfect weekend event usually involves my hunny in a squaw's thin deerskin and me in a hunting frock but that's probably not what you're interested in.

You want dog-n-pony shows...

It is undoubtedly reenactments themselves. Drill and encampments are interesting to us but of limited appeal elsewhere. People want action and noise. Art'y goes a long way! Sounds silly but they love having the kids of all ages drilled with wooden muskets especially if you camp it up. The ones who are just a bit too young or afraid of their own shadow do make you laugh though.

After that I'd say that presentations with lotsa show-n-tell bring in crowds, however, these do tend to be older, more sophisticated, folk without any kids.

Both need publicity WELL in advance.
The "early Arkansaw Reinactment assosation" ( yes they spell arkansas with a w)puts on public events with a camp and skills demo. The last one I was to was in a state park and drew a big crowd of young and old. A lot of people showed up who were just going to the park.
I help out a local historical society when they hold a "Pioneer day" at the park where they have restored the log cabin that the town's founder built in the early 19th century. I'm in period dress with my muzzle loaders and some other accoutrements on a table in front of me. What brings folks back to see me every year, especially the youngsters, is letting them shoot blanks out of my rifles and pose for pictures. It's nothing more than 10 grains or so of powder with a cleaning patch on top, but the smoke and fire is a real crowd pleaser. They feed me lunch as compensation and that suits me just fine. Fire starting with flint and steel is also a good display if conditions allow. Hope this helps.
That involve the Trail Museum by any chance and a low down snake in the grass blacksmith nam'a Keller!?
tenngun said:
The "early Arkansaw Reinactment assosation" ( yes they spell arkansas with a w)puts on public events with a camp and skills demo. The last one I was to was in a state park and drew a big crowd of young and old. A lot of people showed up who were just going to the park.

Right on. I was a member for many years. The EARA is mostly dedicated to brining history to the public. Most events are open to the public and not tucked back in the woods. Good people and very knowledgable about history, proper dress, etc. Not much into the shooting. I miss them but cannot afford the travel anymore.

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