What's the 5th one?

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Moderator Emeritus In Remembrance
MLF Supporter
Oct 4, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ
One of the joys of buying a used gun is getting all of the goodies that "goes with it".

With my .50 GPR Precussion gun, it was 1 7/8 box of .490 diameter Hornady balls, a bore brush, a worm, a .50 cal Jag, two tins of CCI #11 caps and a TRADITIONS 5-IN-1.

A TRADITIONS 5-IN-1???.... That's my question.
I'll give a discription as best as I can.

A TRADITIONS 5-IN-1 is a clear plastic tube about .780 in diameter and 4 3/8 inches long, which has red plastic caps for each end. The red caps are attached with molded in red plastic straps which go over two little nubbs on the outside of the main tube body.

The tube doesn't go completly thru, it is dammed off about 1 3/8 inches down from one end and the plastic cap says PROJECTILE so I guess thats where I put my round ball (or sabot?).

The other end is a powder measure graduated from 10 to 120 grains in 10 grain incriments. The red plastic cap which says POWDER on it would let you use it for a pre-measured charge.

Sticking out the side about 3/4 of an inch is a .410 diameter tube. The inside diameter is .145 X about 5/8 deep. The mouth is coned.
I am assuming this is for a flintlocks prime?

Right next to the .410 diameter tube is a .400 diameter hole which goes most of the way thru. It ends with a square shoulder and looks like it would fit over a ramrod which would make the thing into sort of a T handle (to help you ram the ball/sabot, or to break your ramrod?).

The bottom of this .400 diameter hole, as I said is a square shoulder but in the center of this square "bottom" is a hard to measure (because it's way down in the bottom) .200 diameter hole which is about .185 deep.
A precussion cap fits nicely into this hole, but without something in the .400 diameter hole above it, the cap just falls back out.

OK, that's 1: Powder Measure, 2: Projectile storage place, 3 Flintlock Primer and 4: a T handle for a ramrod. 5: A place to put your #11 cap so it will be lost when you need it??

I'm sure someone out there has one of these things, so, does anyone know for sure what all 5 things are?? :: ::
5-in-1 Loader
An affordable ball/bullet starter, powder measure, palm saver, built-in capper and powder/projectile holder, all in one easy-to-carry, easy-to-use, easy-to-see tool.
Be well ..
limpin'frog :sleep: :sleep:
I've got one of them! It's gathering dust in the bottom of the range kit up at camp.

That little .410 coned stub is supposed to be aa short starter, and the small .200 recess is a cap seater. So, your list would be-
1- Powder measure / holder
2- Projectile holder
3- T-Handle
4- Short starter
5- Cap seater

The one I have, the measure was off by 5gr compared to a brass measure, and the cap seater wouldn't fit under the hammer on any of my rifles.

All-in-all an amusing bit of useless hardware, good only as a dust collector and a 'watzit' in the pile of questionable toys for some anthropologist a few hindred years from now.
Dam, you guys are fast!! and Goooooooooooood tooo!

Ah flunked tha ball starter part. The thing sticking out the side with the coned hole must be for that.
I guess they are going to have to change the tool though. They didn't say anything about using that to measure the pan powder for flintlock priming.
I wonder if they will pay me a big fat check for a few thousand $ for discovering they actually have a 6-IN-1. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I still don't see what keeps the cap way down in that hole, and in order for it to cap a nipple, the nipple would have to be longer than.....well we won't go there. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Oh well, as they say, don't look a gift 5-IN-1 in the mouth! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
You are right Vic I have 2 of these tupperware gadjits
in the bottom of a junk box. Results of some long
a go impulse buy.
redwing :nono: :nono: :nono: :redthumb:
And it's a whistle! When it's empty you can blow across it to signal for help.

Didn't PF Flyers used to give these out with every pair of sneakers sold?

Heck, seal it up and it's a fishing bobber, too. :crackup:
Don't lose out !!!
Be the first on yer block !!!
Quantities are limited..!!
Operators are standing by.. !!!
Limited time only !!!
The amazing, the awesome; the handy dandy
R*nco toothpick holder..
Be the envy of the guys at camp when you whip
out fresh toothpicks !!!
It even store flavored ones too !!! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Side effects may include dry/wet mouth; constipation/diarrhea; rapid/slow heartbeat. double/single vision; and any other opposites that attract.. :yakyak: :yakyak: :yakyak:
Ah, at my age; the mind wanders off somewhere..
Spring forward
:sleep: :sleep: