Whats the best lube for target shooting?

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Just been reading the posts about the patch lubes,that Moose Snot looks interesting think I will make up a batch,just wondering what lubes are proven match winners,I am new to this and trying to figure out what to use,currently I am using a dry lubed patch(soaked in MM and then allowed to dry) and wiping between shots,this works good for me but the cleaning between shots gets a bit old at times,I shoot a inexpensive .45cal rifle with .445" RB's and a .015" patch(crushed),amazing accuracy from the bench using this combo,your comments appreciated

"...amazing accuracy from the bench using this combo..."

Sounds like you already have it dialed in - wiping between shots is pretty standard in competition shooting and a good range rod makes it quick and easy. When I was competeing, I used Hoppies Number 9 Plus as a patch lube and solvent for swabbing between shots. Worked for me :)
I use moose milk (1/3 Murphy's oil soap, 1/3 Napa soluble cutting oil, 1/3 black powder solvent) it works extremely well and eliminates the need to swab in between shots (I only swab between strings).
As a suppestion to your lube question.
4 oz. of cator oil from wal-mart is about 2 bucks and some change, Murphy's can be used for household cleaning if you don't like the lube and you only use a tablespoon or two, the beeswax, about 1 to 2 oz. Really cheap and easy to make so why no try it and compare groups.
For accuracy it is pretty standard to wipe twixt shots. I use rubbing alcohol, 91%, one wet (moist) patch, then dry one, then load.
Beside, brewing up your own makes the guys at the range,
a) jealous
b) bug you to death with questions 'cause you're now an exeret
c) think you're crazy and thye'll all leave you alone to shoot in peace. ::
Spit is the best match/patch lube I've ever used. It is the most consistant & delivers the closest shot to shot velocity SD's you can get. Using any prepared lube, more than doubles SD's. Any of the oils are second-best in the accuracy department in my opinion as I've never improved accraucy using them. I haven't tried Moose Snot yet and will probably only use it for hunting. I will do a side by side test for accuracy, but won't be surprise if good old spit is still the most accurate with patched ball.
Kaintuckhee, Liver eatin' Johnson said it; "you already have it dialed in".

If you know what "crushed" means then stick with what you've learned, it's true, he does teach the top shooters ,,,,,,,,,just do what he say's. Just do the whole thing,,not just part of it. Dutch Rules!
Sumtacks called me this evening and we had a nice chat about the "Dutch" system.
One of my major shortcommings is getting in a rush trying to develope a load and end up swapping out too many variables at the same time.
if you don't know the "Dutch" system I'm sure sumtacks will post the web site for us all. I bought the system, I think it was 15 bucks and worth at least a million, and never did follow through with it.
Like I said patience is NOT one of my virtues.
Right sumtacks? ::
well yup,,talked too'im. in person too,,it was fun ta "reach out" and touch base,,sorry about the surprise Maxi.

Even after all the name calling was dun, it was fun!(well that part was fun too!)(i got too listen alot!)

Nope! ain't gonna tell'm 'bout dutch schoultz no more! I figure them what knows does,them what don't 'l find it. I give up.it's the "school" that does it though,,
what lubes are proven match winners

The easy answer is: "The one that is most accurate in YOUR rifle." The hard question is: "Which lube is most accurate in MY rifle." Proven winners are Lehigh Valley Lube, Ox-Yoke Target "Liquid Wonder" Competition Patch Lube, saliva, any of 100 variations on moose milk, Old Zip Patch Grease, the various "Bore Butter Natural Lube 100 Plus" concoctions, etc.

Liquid lubes seem to be the way most target shooters go. The only way you'll ever find the best lube and proceedure of loading is to try them in your rifle.

Don't know nuffum about Dutch Shoultz except that he has a pay-to-play "system" worked out that may or may not involve burying a dead racoon drenched in chicken blood at midnight on the day before a match. :: I mic my patches, weigh my cast balls (if it ain't 224.2 gr +/- 0.2 gr. for my .54 it goes into a can for re-melting next time I run ball), and do a little breathing drill before and during each shot. Anything you can do to increase consistancy will increase accuracy.

In the words of Ben Franklin: "Let the experiment begin!"
Hey sumtacks. Stumpy DOES have the Dutch system!!
How else would he know 'bout the dead racoon drenched in chicken blood?

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