Where can I get TRESCO nipples for a Walker

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32 Cal.
Feb 21, 2010
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I'm fed up. I have a new Uberti Walker.
Fitting caps to the factory nipples is a pain.
10's are too small and 11's are too loose.
So I'm going to swap out for some TRESCO's.
Problem is I can't find any.
Any advice on where to get them?

Try Dixie gun works, October Country, or Track of the Wolf. One of them should have them. I just replaced a Remmy 1858s's with Treso #11 from TOTW.
Same problem, I can't find #10 caps anywhere, here in AZ. Gone stricktly to #11s for all of my C&B guns.
Phone Track of the Wolf at 763 633-2501, they are very helpful folks and most likely have them in stock. I have four C&B revolvers, some took #10 and some #11 and I recently switched them all over to Ampco just to get one standardized size of cap. Now they all take #11 caps and there is less blow back and fewer cap jams with the Ampco nipples.
Tresco markets a Walker Nipple 250x1/4 number 11s. This is made only for the Walker. I changed my Walker out to these. The nipples that come on the Ubertis are terrible. The Tresco Walker nipples are great. I got mine from Track Of the Wolf. :thumbsup:
Yep. Good advice from both CoyoteJoe and AZ Longrifle.

You want Treso part number 11-50-13. That's a 1/4X28 thread nipple for the large frame Ubertis. Track of the Wolf carries that under their catalog number RST-WA. Unfortunately, their site says 'Accepting Orders', which means it's not in stock.

The Possible Shop calls them part number 12-50-13, says they're out of stock on manufacturer's back order.

October Country has a bit of a confusing catalog; they list 2 different options for the Uberti Walker: 11-50-16, which is a 12x28 thread they say is for something called a "New ITA Walker" ( this makes no sense to me), and the 11-50-13 for the "1/4X28 Italian Walker". I think that last one is the right one. You can also buy a set of 6 under the part number 11-50-136. They apparently have them in stock.

Then there's Jedediah Starr; his prices are a bit better than October Country but the web site doesn't say if they're in stock or not.

Dixie Gun Works offering has little information to tell if theirs is the right one or not. They show part number NP1015 as a ".250 Ampco" nipple; Ampco is the proprietary Treso material, but it's a bit of a crap shoot as to which Treso nipple it really is; Treso has at least 3 different lengths in a 1/4x28 threaded nipple. Also, Dixie's price is a bit high.
I've got Treso on all four of my Uberti pistols and Remington#10 caps work the best on all of 'em.I was using CCI#11's but having alot of jams. After switching to the Rem#10,I hardly have any--they fit tighter.

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