And when didn’t you think we were a bunch of history nerds?I can understand the enthusiast clubs and events where you are judged on your gear in a sort of competition to be historically correct. But that one story posted about the feller who got booted from a hunting club lease for carrying a rifle they thought was too modern but was really old?? Sounds kind of like a shooting version of a nerdy Star Wars convention that take themselves a little too seriously.
The point is to have fun. Because I put on funny clothes and try and have guns that look right to the era doesn’t mean I expect you to do the same.
The first breechloaders go back at least to the fifteenth century. We have ‘modern guns’ including a sixteen shot lever action Wheelock.
If you have a ml club you might not want one of these in the shoot. As it’s not an ml, even if it’s two centuries or more old
Or you might be ok with it. The club sets its rules.
Even a bench copy will fail at some point to be historically correct
We are all just old fat kids playing cowboys and Indians here