Where do you find flint rocks?

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36 Cal.
Jul 17, 2010
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I've always wondered this, but where do you find flint rocks at? I'm in Northeast PA so I'm not sure if it's a geographical thing or maybe my Geology skills are just not that great.

How do you know what to look for to get good sparking flints? Our ancestors did it so I'm determined to figure it out someday!
Flint Ridge Ohio comes to mind. Google it. Near Thunder Bay Ontario there is a layer of white chert about 1/4 inch thick extending almost to Minnesota. The portage was called the gunflint trail. I have a piece I collected there in 1997 at a Boy Scout Jamboree. Would be no trouble to fit that to your hammer as it is already the right thickness. Keep your eyes open. River rocks are fascinating and most did not originate from where you find them. The NDN's traded for flint nodules as they're not to be found everywhere and just going to some other tribe's territory to get some could lead to trespassing charges. Death likely to follow. :thumbsup:
I try to avoid death as best I can. I will speak to the tribe elders before trespassing LOL

Contact your State's Geological Survey Office to get maps of areas where flint is found. You may have to travel to another state to find flint, or even many miles within your own state. The staffs at these state offices love to see people coming in to ask about something other than Oil, Gas, and Coal.
-----if you have a place to find arrowheads keep a look out for white quartz with a waxy look--makes nice flints----- :idunno:
Chert (same as flint but didn't come from chalk like "real flint") is always found in conjunction with limestone. If you have eroded limestone ridges, interlaced with limestone streams and creeks, look in creekbeds with steep walls. But you have to know the color and texture of local chert. Figure that out by going to local museums with native American artifacts and cheking out the color an dtexture. That's the rock you're looking for.
Look here- maybe it's near you http://gra-geoarch.com/pr-marshalls_creek.html
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Flint ridge is about 45 miles south of my place so getting flint is no problem, working the flint is the problem! :hmm:
We have some pretty good quality "flint" here in Wisconsin. There are some sites in the center of the State with nice quartz, as well as the SC part. I have found some good chert on my hill in back of the house. I haven't really done anything with it as I haven't mastered the technique. Also have picked up flint nodules in Texas and Tennessee while attending rendezvous. Do a search for "flint" areas in your state and see what you come up with.
You have some good info on finding the "flint' as for working it there are quite a few online sources for methods/techniques to work it i would not recoommend heating it if making gun flints/spalls the latter probably the best way to go for a first time knapper and they also often give multiple edges and can be made from smaller and different shaped "core" pieces, do not mention gunflints if talking about flint knapping at the various sites most there think it is a travisty to use flint for such a barbaric purpose.
Just don't go to Flint, Michigan looking for flint! You won't find any, but you might find a lot of other things you're not looking for. :nono:
Don't put down Flint Mich. My oldest boy was there for five years at the old General Motors Institute. (Now Kettering University) and he said the Hooters there had good shrimp!And the scenery was nice as well ! :surrender: :surrender:
Jaeger said:
Just don't go to Flint, Michigan looking for flint! You won't find any, but you might find a lot of other things you're not looking for. :nono:

Hey! I represent that!

Foster From Flint
There were so many views coming from so many angles here, I decided to talk it over with a friend who's a career geologist. Two hours of taking notes as he talked, and I wasn't about to try summarizing. He offered to pull something together, and this is what he excerpted from Wikkipedia. It turns out there are so many views and angles because there are so many "right" answers. :rotf:


Chert is a fine-grained silica-rich microcrystalline, cryptocrystalline or microfibrous sedimentary rock that may contain small fossils. It varies greatly in color (from white to black), but most often manifests as gray, brown, grayish brown and light green to rusty red; its color is an expression of trace elements present in the rock, and both red and green are most often related to traces of iron (in its oxidized and reduced forms respectively).

Chert occurs as oval to irregular nodules in greensand, limestone, chalk, and dolostone formations as a replacement mineral, where it is formed as a result of some type of diagenesis. Where it occurs in chalk, it is usually called flint. It also occurs in thin beds, when it is a primary deposit (such as with many jaspers and radiolarites). Thick beds of chert occur in deep geosynclinal deposits. These thickly bedded cherts include the novaculite of the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas, Oklahoma, and similar occurrences in Texas in the United States. The banded iron formations of Precambrian age are composed of alternating layers of chert and iron oxides.

Chert also occurs in diatomaceous deposits and is known as diatomaceous chert. Diatomaceous chert consists of beds and lenses of diatomite which were converted during diagenesis into dense, hard chert. Beds of marine diatomaceous chert comprising strata several hundred meters thick have been reported from sedimentary sequences such as the Miocene Monterey Formation of California and occur in rocks as old as the Cretaceous.[1]
Terminology: "chert", "chalcedony" and "flint"

There is much confusion concerning the exact meanings and differences among the terms "chert", "chalcedony" and "flint" (as well as their numerous varieties). In petrology the term "chert" is used to refer generally to all rocks composed primarily of microcrystalline, cryptocrystalline and microfibrous quartz. The term does not include quartzite. Chalcedony is a microfibrous (microcrystaline with a fibrous structure) variety of quartz.

Strictly speaking, the term "flint" is reserved for varieties of chert which occur in chalk and marly limestone formations.[2][3] Among non-geologists (in particular among archaeologists), the distinction between "flint" and "chert" is often one of quality - chert being lower quality than flint. This usage of the terminology is prevalent in America and is likely caused by early immigrants who imported the terms from England where most true flint (that found in chalk formations) was indeed of better quality than "common chert" (from limestone formations).

Among petrologists, chalcedony is sometimes considered separately from chert due to its fibrous structure. Since many cherts contain both microcrystaline and microfibrous quartz, it is sometimes difficult to classify a rock as completely chalcedony, thus its general inclusion as a variety of chert.

Prehistoric and historic uses

In prehistoric times, chert was often used as a raw material for the construction of stone tools. Like obsidian, as well as some rhyolites, felsites, quartzites, and other tool stones used in lithic reduction, chert fractures in a Hertzian cone when struck with sufficient force. This results in conchoidal fractures, a characteristic of all minerals with no cleavage planes. In this kind of fracture, a cone of force propagates through the material from the point of impact, eventually removing a full or partial cone; this result is familiar to anyone who has seen what happens to a plate-glass window when struck by a small object, such as an airgun projectile. The partial Hertzian cones produced during lithic reduction are called flakes, and exhibit features characteristic of this sort of breakage, including striking platforms, bulbs of force, and occasionally eraillures, which are small secondary flakes detached from the flake's bulb of force.

When a chert stone is struck against steel, sparks result. This makes it an excellent tool for starting fires, and both flint and common chert were used in various types of fire-starting tools, such as tinderboxes, throughout history. A primary historic use of common chert and flint was for flintlock firearms, in which the chert striking a metal plate produces a spark that ignites a small reservoir containing black powder, discharging the firearm.

In some areas, chert is ubiquitous as stream gravel and fieldstone and is currently used as construction material and road surfacing. Part of chert's popularity in road surfacing or driveway construction is that rain tends to firm and compact chert while other fill often gets muddy when wet. However, where cherty gravel ends up as fill in concrete, the slick surface can cause localized failure.

Chert has been used in late 19th-century and early 20th-century headstones or grave markers in Tennessee and other regions.
Varieties of chert

There are numerous varieties of chert, classified based on their visible, microscopic and physical characteristics.[9][10] Some of the more common varieties are:

* Flint is a compact microcrystaline quartz. It is found in chalk or marly limestone formations and is formed by a replacement of calcium carbonate with silica. It is commonly found as nodules. This variety was often used in past times to make bladed tools.
* "Common chert" is a variety of chert which forms in limestone formations by replacement of calcium carbonate with silica. This is the most abundantly found variety of chert. It is generally considered to be less attractive for producing gem stones and bladed tools than flint.
* Jasper is a variety of chert formed as primary deposits, found in or in connection with magmatic formations which owes its red color to iron(III) inclusions. Jasper frequently also occurs in black, yellow or even green (depending on the type of iron it contains). Jasper is usually opaque to near opaque.
* Radiolarite is a variety of chert formed as primary deposits and containing radiolarian microfossils.
* Chalcedony is a microfibrous quartz.
* Agate is distinctly banded chalcedony with successive layers differing in colour or value.
* Onyx is a banded agate with layers in parallel lines, often black and white.
* Opal is a hydrated silicon dioxide. It is often of a Neogenic origin. In fact is not a mineral (it is a mineraloid) and it is generally not considered a variety of chert, although some varieties of opal (opal-C and opal-CT) are microcrystaline and contain much less water (sometime none). Often people without petrological training confuse opal with chert due to similar visible and physical characteristics.
* Magadi-type chert is a variety that forms from a sodium silicate precursor in highly alkaline lakes such as Lake Magadi in Kenya.
* Porcelanite is a term used for fine-grained siliceous rocks with a texture and a fracture resembling those of unglazed porcelain.
* Siliceous sinter is porous, low-density, light-colored siliceous rock deposited by waters of hot springs and geysers.

Other lesser used terms for chert (most of them archaic) include firestone, silex, silica stone, and flintstone
My late uncles all refered to it as "flint" and my cousins from around the Sweet Springs & Houstonia area still do.
I've picked up a few nice chunks along side of some rural roadways when I visited them.
Tried to knapp some flints, but got a pile of small rocks instead. A few worked for startin' fires.
Jon D
If you live near an old seaport you can sometimes find old ballast rock. Frequently it was flint.
Thanks for the post, Mr Pierce.

(by the way, when i need flints, i just contact Rich Pierce) ...


still, a legitimate querry.
I was taught how to knapp flint at an early age. When you start out wear glasses to protect your eyes. I can also knapp glass to a degree, depending on its make up. However, I can't write how to knapp properly, it just won't do you any good. Find a man who knows how and learn from him. Its quicker and easier to learn from someone. If you have any areas around you were indians camped you can find flint. My grandfather would walk the huge fields here in alabama picking up flint. He kept a steel srtiker in his pocket he called his "testing steel" to make sure he found the right "grade" of flint for his rifle and to make a fire with. Believe it or not but pap still made fire by hand up until 1974 when they lost their house to a tornado and were forced into government housing. Grandma would use matches, but ol pap was stubborn and made them by hand with flint and steel. Before you strike out to old indian camp grounds make sure its legal. I have heard its illegal to pick up arrow heads and such any more. That may just be alabama though. Good luck!