Where to find Pewter

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40 Cal.
Jul 7, 2006
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I am building a half stock and would like to put a pewter nose cap on it. But where do I find pewter at? Thanks Leon
thrift/ second hand stores. Pewter plates, cups, and what nots... :thumbsup:

or here[url] http://www.trackofthewolf.com...List.aspx?catID=14&subID=166&styleID=959[/url]
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thanks for posting that roy. i have a block of that and wondered if it was indeed pewter.
Thanks Roy. I wasn't sure if you could remelt pewter or not. The block from TOTW, looks even better. Leon
Pewter made today is different that the old pewter made in the 18 and 19th centuries. The old stuff had lots of lead in it. Today's pewter has zinc in it, and no lead.

For a nose cap, you would be better served buying something like Cerrosafe, from Track of the Wolf, for instance. This melts at about 160 degrees, so its much safer to be around, and it does not burn the wood( flashpoint of wood is 451 Degrees F.) That makes casting, or recasting a nosecap much safer, and avoids the problem of starting fires. You don't want to have to use water around any kind of molten metal.
Second hand stores work as great sources for pewter. The problem is, aluminum is often pawned off as pewter.
Also Be careful to use stuff that's made into cookware too. You might run into some stuff made with lead.
I use Oatey lead free solder available at plumbing suppliers, Lowes, Home Despot,etc.
Lead free plumbing solder is just about the same as pewter, easy to get, about the same to work with. One type even has a little nickel in it, making it possibly even better. I used it once, and the shine stays longer.
As far as any worries concerning fire that's not a realistic concern. The molten pewter solidifies too fast to start a fire on your stock, and the small amount of scorch will be removed when the pewter pour is cleaned up.