Where to get powder in Syracuse NY?

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40 Cal.
Oct 19, 2007
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Would anybody know where to get powder in Syracuse NY? Or any of the towns north of Syracuse? If not, I'll probably just order some from Graf with my tax return, but I've never felt the need to keep 25lbs on hand lol.
Just find some friends to split the order with. Just make sure you have the "split" arranged before you order, not after.It is a small but critical detail. Our club can order powder by the case and sell it to members who were members when it was ordered , but can't sell any to new members who join until after the next order. :idunno: :idunno:
There is a gunsmith and gunshop on Rt. 37 just north of Watertown that was selling it last year. Don't know if he still is but it would be worth checking out
First time I've heard about powderinc.com, thanks. I might have to check their site out at home though. It doesn't want to load right on my work computer.
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Jimmy82 said:
Would anybody know where to get powder in Syracuse NY? Or any of the towns north of Syracuse? If not, I'll probably just order some from Graf with my tax return, but I've never felt the need to keep 25lbs on hand lol.

Grafs doesn't have a min purchase limit. They are the ONLY online BP retailer I know of that doesn't. You can buy one lb, or fifty lbs. Although one lb would be pretty dog gone steep with a $28 hazmat fee. Thats why I usually buy five or ten lbs at a time.
I suggest checking your state/city laws on how much BP you can keep. Some cities or states have laws that say you can have no more than X # of pounds or you'll be breaking the laws. I'd look into that first before I place an order. Just so you don't order enough to make yourself a criminal in your state/city.
I believe in Syracuse/Onondaga County it would be 50 pounds for personal use if you own the dwelling.

Is black powder subject to regulation under Federal explosives laws?

Black powder is an explosive material for purposes of Federal explosives laws and regulations. However, the law exempts from regulation commercially manufactured black powder in quantities not exceeding 50 pounds (as well as percussion caps, safety and pyrotechnic fuses, quills, quick and slow matches, and friction primers) intended to be used solely for sporting, recreational, or cultural purposes in antique firearms as defined in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(16) or in antique devices exempted from the term "destructive device" in 18 U.S.C. 921(a)(4). However, persons engaged in the business of importing, manufacturing, or dealing in black powder in any quantity must have a Federal explosives license, and comply with recordkeeping, storage and conduct of business requirements. [18 U.S.C. 841(c), 841(d), 845(a)(5); 27 CFR 555.11: definitions of "explosives" and "explosive materials", 555.141(b)

But in the City of Syracuse itself there may be local ordinances.
IowaShooter said:
I suggest checking your state/city laws on how much BP you can keep. Some cities or states have laws that say you can have no more than X # of pounds or you'll be breaking the laws. I'd look into that first before I place an order. Just so you don't order enough to make yourself a criminal in your state/city.

No worries my friend, I can't afford to buy enough BP at one time to break any state laws :haha: .....
Seriously though, I am aware of the fact that some states have a legal limit which is oftentimes lower, and in some cases a LOT lower than the 50 lb federal limit. Here in Wa state we are allowed to store 20 lbs and or transport 50 lbs, unless that has changed recently w/o my knowledge. Before they raised the limit we could only store or transport ONLY 5 lbs! I never buy over 5 or 10 at a time and that costs plenty nuff fer me.
mtmanjim said:
IowaShooter said:
I suggest checking your state/city laws on how much BP you can keep. Some cities or states have laws that say you can have no more than X # of pounds or you'll be breaking the laws. I'd look into that first before I place an order. Just so you don't order enough to make yourself a criminal in your state/city.

No worries my friend, I can't afford to buy enough BP at one time to break any state laws :haha: .....

I suffer from the same problem you do. Lack of funds to support my ever growing habit. :metoo:

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