Which powder would be best for my ROA. Goex FFF or the FF?
I have some Pyrodex P thats over 30 years old. Also have some 30 year old Pyrodex RS that I tried in my 50 Cal yesterday. I got delayed firing with that. Guess that was from it being so old. So I'm thinking I just need to forget about using any of the Pyrodex, and stick with the real BP. What do you'all experts think?javascript:void(0)
Thanks OB
I have some Pyrodex P thats over 30 years old. Also have some 30 year old Pyrodex RS that I tried in my 50 Cal yesterday. I got delayed firing with that. Guess that was from it being so old. So I'm thinking I just need to forget about using any of the Pyrodex, and stick with the real BP. What do you'all experts think?javascript:void(0)
Thanks OB