After seeing the good stuff last week and in the area, just had to check out the percussion originals! The two Walkers went to the Ft.Worth store(more oil money available in that area), third model Dragoon got sold, two M.1860(one a full fluted cavalry model), four M.1851 Navys, two M.1849(short bbl. & a 4-1/2 incher with loading lever), couple early conversions, a nice m.1858 New Model Army, two Whitneys(one a standard .36 and one .31 belonging to the regimental surgeon of the 1st Georgia with original officer's gold threaded belt & buckle, two period pictures of said Georgian and his Confederate Veterans gold medal), M.1855 Colt Root revolver in fitted case(near mint with period aged ivory grips), Starr double action and an English Kerr revolver, popular with Southern cavalry. Want a real one...come on down and bring lot'sa money! :wink: