I don't know if John is still alive or not. He was contemporary to the 1970-80's period at his peak, but I've not heard much of him for many years. He was certainly one of the finest rifle builders this country has ever seen, and did some fine presentation and exhibition grade rifles. I know you could find information of his work by doing a search, for "John Bivins muzzle loaders". He was responsible for the design of some of the finer rifle parts available from TOTW, Dixie, and other suppliers. A friend of mine, Monte Mandarino apprenticed under him, and became the foremost builder in the world. The last firearm of his I handled was an 18th century style french fowler, chase engraved and gold inlayed from end to end. Selling price, $230,000. Skills he learned from John. Monte's work can be seen on the overleafs of the book, "Steel Canvas".