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who's going out these last two days in PA.........

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62 Cal.
Jan 13, 2004
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it's coming down pretty nasty out there right now here pike co....i hopeing to move some deer by moving alot with still hunting....alos hope i can keep my powder dry....right now i have an 1 1/2" of fresh snow already....i keep shuddering every time i look out the window trying to kick my butt out the door or wait till tommorrow....it's to be a nice sunny day tommorrow..............bob
I've been pretty busy with work so I haven't gone out much during flintlock. I'll manage to get out Saturday morning. Tree stand until 10am, depending on how cold it is. Then walk through some CREP fields to see if anything is bedded down in the golden rod or warm season grass. If If we don't see anything, I'll clean the gun and go into work for the afternoon.

We haven't seen many deer where we hunt. There were plenty in the neighbor's corn before rifle season but they got gone. I'll probably wish I went squirrel hunting again with my flintlock shotgun.
You guys chased 'em back up here. I had four does stand and watch me walk the dog around my back yard yesterday. Three of the four standing broadside and open and just watching us walk. Nothing between us but snow covered lawn.

They know when the NY season has ended.

Maybe 90 yards away, just inside my neighbor's woods. Dopey dog never noticed them (or at least he didn't react). Deer poop is better than popcorn to him . . . stupid dog.

I'm hoping to get out and pester a bunny or two tomorrow.
I'll be going out Saturday. So far all I've seen was a glimpse of a doe in some pine trees. The deer are pretty thin around this part of Pa.
ill be heading out at first light.gotta be out of the woods by 3:00 so i can go home and watch the steelers spank the jets!
seen three doe and two buck....to bad they saw me first....it got nice and sunny out there today bout 11:30 so i went out and tomorrow should be the same....not worried if i come up empty tommorrow with feb around the corner.............bob
Nope, I am done for the year. However, I will be shooting trap on Saturday and Sunday. Oh, and watching the Eagles choke on Sunday.
Rocky J -- not that I WANT them to choke, but there is the thought in this area that whatever the curse was that visited the SOX has moved to the BIRDS.... I think Andy Reed may need the services of an exorcist more than that of a Terell Owens to get the team to the big one. Besides, this is the town that booed Santa a couple years ago and in some sort of twisted macochistic way there is an element that wants to be downtodden and throw ashes on its head and wear sack cloth. Ain't me, but if ashes will make hair grow-- Iam all for it! ::
Well, I didn't see any deer. But I did hear one get up and run away in the dark just as I got to my stand. Oh well. Got lots of hunting in this year even if not much venison in the freezer.

Now it's time to smoke some squirrels. And maybe try coyote calling.
I saw seven does and two bucks today. None were close enough for a shot. The bucks were moving pretty good too. I was with a good bunch of guys, and one fella got his first muzzleloader deer with his new custom made 50 caliber.
I'm tagged out except for DMAP areas. Would have loved to gone out today but the wife had other plans. ::
I've wanted to go back out but have used up all my tags and since I recently learned they cant be transferred, the past several weekends have just been used for field craft enhancements. Can never get enough.

If anyone is interested, there is a book called 50 hikes in Eastern PA, 4th edition 2003 that I recently purchased. My wife and kids and I have vowed to do 50 hikes in 50 weeks. I not only like to get the kids out to teach them field craft and wilderness appreication but I like to scout out good hunting areas for myself. It would be cool to possibly bump into some of you folks on the trails in the off season.

Yesterday we did Hawk Mountain and the Pinnacle in Northern Berks/Schukill Counties. Great hikes with great views!
Hota, 50 hikes in eastern PA. is the author Hoffman or Thwaits. I looked up the tilte on Amazon and believe it or not two books two authors. I would be interested in hearing alittle more about the book and the length of the hikes. Thanks in advance. Uncrichie...
I've only been able to fill one tag this whole season because we've killed all our PA. deer, and for this reason I am suing the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Dr. Gary Alt, the DCNR, the Audubon Society, and big Industry for acid rain and global warming.....No....Wait... That's another website entirely.

I enjoyed this season immensely. We (my son and I) didn't fill a tag during the after Christmas flintlock season, but he had a good shot and I had my grandson spend a day in the woods with me. He's ten and will join us in two years with his Dixie Scout flintlock.

Yesterday afternoon, I drove out to hunt by myself, and as I passed a local lake, a mature bald eagle soared low over the highway as I headed for my final flintlock hunt. Those final couple of hours alone in the woods were magical, and the sunset here in southeastern Pa. was beautiful.

Now, I'm ready to sit and watch winter. :thumbsup:
well my last day afield was sat and as i was pulling up to the area of the game lands there was a doe crossing the road in front of a truck in front of me and he stopped as to take a shot from the road :curse: and with me stopping behind him he thought differtrent and left ::....the deer was there standing watching us so i went down the road bout 100 feet and parked in the parking area and walked back down the road to follw the tracks and see what happens....after bout 150 yds into the woods a bunch of 6+ doe landed in my lap :shocking: as i was walking on top of the 7" of snow that was frozen but crunching the top 1/2" and i shot a big doe at 20-25 yds :thumbsup:....i think it hit low at that range with a offhand shot after cocking and setting the trigger :winking: and with a T/C 240 gr cheap shot as my first shot loaded from home and the rest are round ball for the day....there was white hair on the ground with some blood :thumbsup:....the blood was freezing on contact with the snow....followed a intermitted blood trail for the first 100 yds or so....lost it at times :cry: then it picked it up by going ahead to see if i could find blood with a fanning pattern and found it a couple of times 20 yards ahead then i could follow it at a brisk walk and thought oh yeah made some meat :thumbsup:....after bout 500 yds or more i jumped her up and had another shot at her bout 80 yds :huh:....don't know if i hit her the second time but it felt good :hmm:....well after bout 5 hours and 3/4 of a mile the sunset and the blood trail stopping at some posted property went home all bummed :sorry:....went back today and found her bout another 300 yds :thumbsup: but the yotes ate good last night and there was 2 .50 holes in her :RO:....one low as thought on the first shot in her brisket and the other was just an 1" below the spine at the diaphram....so i'm glad she went down but mad at myself :redface: for not following just a bit farther {300 yards farther} i didn't get any meat but had a blast or two that day....time to relax for now till feb's red tags are open so my hunting isn't done yet ::.............bob
The book is by Tom Thwaites and is excellent. The hikes range from short 1/2 mile hikes to long Appalachian trail hikes 16-30 miles long.

The book is broken down by hike with the first section providing:

1. Trail name
2. Distance
3. Estimated time needed to do the hike
4. Vertical Rise
5. Highlights
6. And maps

A summary of the trail is provided with detailed directions to each of the trails. There is also a section called "the trail" where the author directions you to certain points of interest along the trail as well as correct turns and incorrect turns that attempt to keep you from getting lost. It even tells you what to expect to see if you do go the wrong way. It gets detailed about markings (where they are deficient and when they are good) as well as hazardous/dangerous areas (places where you may want to make sure your side arm is with you.)

Definately worth the $18.00. Picked it up at French Creek Outfitters. Definately get the fourth edition because it includes things that are relevent today (sights, landmarks, trail markers, etc)

Thwaites wrote the first edition in 1977 while Hoffman picked up the 2nd and 3rd editions in 1982 and 1989. Thwaites updated the book to the 4th edition in 2003.

See you on the trails!
Thanks Hota, you supplied the info I was looking for. Off to[url] Amazon.com[/url]. Reference to "sidearm", against 2 leggers or 4 leggers? Uncrichie...
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Those would be the two legged creatures lurking about. Usually with excess aluminum in hand, clouds in the sky, and liquid daggers. You know, nothing 900 Ft/lbs of energy can't clear away. :)