wife wants a fint pistol

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58 Cal.
Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
Due to the wife's new found success with her flintlock rifle she has now expressed an interest in a flint pistol to carry on the woodswalk shoots.It would need to be a .50 to go along with the rifle.I know there are the Pederosoli Kentuckys but was wondering if we have any other options in this caliber in a flinter?
A small gift for your wife

I wish I could view the picture Undertaker but the "net Nanny" here at work only shows the red x in the box thingie... :(
I'll have to check it out when I get home tonight.
Thanks in advance tho...
Thanks EricN.Not sure about the Traditions tho.How do the pistols shoot.(we have had some bad luck with one of their rifles...)
I have a Trapper Non flinter,darn nice gun,and shoots good too. No probs. Lots of people on this Forum seem to like them. The set trigger is great.Less then a pound.
My little Strativarius don't really appreciate guns. But this pic got OOOH's :shocked2: and AAAH's out of her. Said, ..even I will like this one, Honey :bow: :bow:
:hmm: Makes a man think :winking:
Christiaan said:
My little Strativarius don't really appreciate guns. But this pic got OOOH's :shocked2: and AAAH's out of her. Said, ..even I will like this one, Honey :bow: :bow:
:hmm: Makes a man think :winking:
Pair of flintlock pistols of Empress Catherine the Great, 1786
Johan Adolph Grecke (Russian, recorded 1755”“90)
Russian (Saint Petersburg)
Steel, ivory, gold, and brass
Yep,.. just what I thought. My wife has ROYAL TASTE. Might be why she chose me :rotf: :rotf:
Depends on what you want to spend. The English Target Pistol made by "The Gun Works" in Springfield, Oregon is a very nice gun. It comes in many calibers and grades. Its all American parts, no off shore parts. Check out the Web site. :thumbsup: I have the .40 Cal. with the SS trigger, real shooter.
I have been admiring those pisols for some time :thumbsup: do you know how they match up to a T/C Patriot for accuracy ?
I have owned the T/Cs in .45 and .36 calibers. I think they are very over rated. They have weak stocks and tend to crack in rear areas. The locks have problems with parts breaking and wearing. The triggers are given to failure. You can still get some replacement parts for them if you can get the right person at T/C. Most target shooters I know rebarrel them as the T/C barrel is not that good for target shooting.
The TGW is custom, L&R Manton lock, Davis SS triggers, Oregon Barrel Works barrels. You can choose if you want cap or rock lock. You can choose the wood and calibers from .32 to .50. The parts are easy to replace. Its hard to compare a gun like this to a production gun thats been out of production for 20 years. :thumbsup:
Well I talked to the lady at Gunworks and will be ordering one of these pistols for the wife.Ordered a mouse hawk for my little girls birthday too...sounds like nice folks to deal with.Thanks for the info Redwing :thumbsup:
Good choice, which calibre did you get ?
You right about Joe & Suzi at thegunworks,excellent people to deal with.
Cheers Teach
Hi Teach,
We are gettig her a .50 caliber as a companion to her .50 flintlock rifle.Yep,nice folks and they stand behind what they sell too.Looking forward to getting the pistol,goona be a looong month or so...
I just talked to Joe about .45, never thought about .50 more food for thought.
Forgot to ask Joe if he had any in stock,are you waiting because uot of stock ?
Watch for my firesale on Patriots, I have, ahem WE have 4 of them.One is brand new unfired.So if I ahem WE like them, might just replace all of them.
They did not have any flintlocks in stock so it will have to be built for her.When I talked to their helper (Ron?)he said that they had some percussion pistols in stock.
A "fire sale" on Patriots eh...THAT will spark some interest here.
I bought one from a friends dad at a rondy in March.Still havn't had a chance to shoot it yet,maybe this weekend if it don't rain.
Glad things worked out for you. I have a .40 Cal. flint that has had over 3,000 balls shot thru it {2 Yrs old}. They are fine well balanced pistols. :thumbsup:

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