Does anyone have a windage chart or calculation that can be used to estimate the amount of drift a round ball will have at differant loads and distances? I have a 4H group going to Kerrville TX this summer to shoot in the 4H national invitational and with the spring winds they are having trouble getting good scores on the target. They are all shooting 50caliber slow 1 in 60 twist 32in rifles. We have been shooting 40gr of FFF at 25 and 50 yards and then bumping up to 60gr FFF to shoot the 77 and 100 meter silhouetts. I am getting around 20 to 25 inches of drop between the 25yard and 100meter targets and can adjust that with the sites. But the wind is drifting their round balls 25inchs plus off the target. Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks DCM
Thanks DCM