Wingbone Calls

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40 Cal.
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
I got ambitious this weekend and cranked out a dozen two bone calls. I have found over the years that it is easier to make a bunch at once than one at a time. I have a regular wingbone call assembly line going in my shop. I live in the middle of "turkey heaven" here in South Central Kansas and see at least 200 turkeys a day (and I work inside a building full time), so I tune the calls to excite the local birds. I have built hundreds of calls over the last 10 years and my calls have taken many birds. You may do things differently than I, but mine do work! I attach a photo of a couple of the finished product.

Your humble servant,

Just Dave

Well, there's a lot of 'em and I have ended my fair share - hopefully they go to a good place!

Your humble servant,

Just Dave
nice work, I like the color, how about a quick walk through of how you put em together n prep em n such for those guys that want to make one but arn't real sure, It's been talked about before but maybe ya got something different that even some of us ol dogs can learn from. Thanks YMHS Birdman(always interested in a new trick ;0) )
I have a big advantage in a well equipped shop and a verrrry understanding wife (she thinks the squirrels juggle knives in my brain, but likes me anyway!). I buy wings at the grocery store when I can find them, boil them whole for about 45 minutes, and then pick the meat off and lay it aside for delicious turkey dishes. I pick the bones I want to use for the calls out of the mix and immediately go to the shop. I cut the very ends off the joints on an old band saw and then go to the drill press and use a 1/8" or so drill bit to drill and open the web of bone at the end of the cuts. For the mouthpiece, I cut the joint as close as possible to the joint, leaving an oval end - it feels better on my mouth! Then, I run a wire down the bones and step out back and blow out the the mushed up marrow with my mouth. I follow that up by running high pressure water through the bones to clean out the remaining marrow. Stubborn marrow is cleaned using a tiny bottle brush. I then go to a very soft wire wheel on a grinder and wire off the outside of the bones to get rid of any sticky meat that does not come off easily. I finish that day by washing and soaking the bones in Dawn dishwashing detergent to "degrease" them. I let them dry overnight. The next day, I start sizing them to see what fits together best, trimming on the bandsaw as needed. I stain the bones at this point using potassium permanganate crystals in an old glass bowl. I soak the bones 2-3 minutes and pull them out and dry them for a couple of hours. I then glue them together using a two-part expoxy mix (though I have done some with a pine pitch and charcoal mix known as cutler's resin) and let them lay for an hour or so. I finish some (cutler's resin finished) with natural sinew, but most I use fake sinew thinned down to 8 threads from a wide strand. I wrap them tightly and finish with a coating of superglue to seal the fake sinew. To tune them, I try a few yelps (I have developed a fair ear for what the birds like over the years) and may shorten the end slightly. Then, practice, practice, practice! I sell some and give many as gifts.

Your humble servant,

Just Dave
:blah: Dave if we did it anymore simaler I would swear I wrote that :haha: I wonder Iffen I ain't got a long lost brother Mom ain't told me about :rotf: about the only thing different I do is soak them in peroxide for a day or two to really whiten them, around camp a lot of guys like the real white look for display but most I'll dye in some way so they don't stand out in the woods. For gifts I've taken to drawing n painting pictures on some, usually just the head of a Tom with tracks here n there but most I've made are for actual use. :doh: some years I eat ALOT of turkey :rotf: Thanks YMHS Birdman

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