Wintergreen Oil in Bore Butter?

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40 Cal.
Nov 9, 2004
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From searching threads, I've seen mention of Wintergreen Oil giving T/C bore butter its olfactory prowess.

Does anyone know what other effects wintergreen oil might have, for the purpose of a patch lube...Stumpy or anyone else?

Also, where would one find wintergreen oil? I found castor oil at Wal-Mart but had no luck on the wintergreen hunt.
A trapping supply dealer can get for you look in lure ingrediants, If you need me to order u some let me know
"what other effects wintergreen oil might have,"
Sure, essence of wintergreen is PETA's donation to (blank) hunters. Tells the deer where the hunters are at all times. Kind of like a smelly "fog light". And around 11:00 A.M. it makes my stomach growl (also a PETA ploy).
tried some once it made all my hunting things smell,,,threw it out had to clean everything to get smell out,,,,
As to what it may add I can only guess a pleasant odor. I like the smell of my concoctions as is (but then, I like the smell of blackpowder smoke and fouling. :youcrazy:). I'm guessing they add so little that it has no other contribution to the mix.

Do a search on "Essential Oils" out on the Internet and you'll find all sorts of odors. Check the head shops at the mall that sell candles and incense.
Check the head shops
Stumpster, I thought this was a family forum, we got one thread discussin blowin yer barrel, and now we're talkin head shops. :crackup:, and it seems the summer heat has a few of the regulars with their thongs one size too tight.(think cheerleaders picture) :haha: Can't we all just get along, and blow smoke. Bill

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