Joe, you can get "the look" by using jute webbing from an upholstery store. Just repel anyone curious enough to try to get within 20 feet of you, or you'll be found out as a farb. I have used this stuff myself, as it does look quite a bit like an old, worn, woven wool strap.
I went to the trouble to make an inkle loom, and have made some banding on it. But I figure as long as I am trying to duplicate the original article, I need to try harder and buy or build a simple heddle loom. (Inkle looms are a fairly recent invention.) Remember, you'll likely want to stick with first-choice wool or cotton or linen. Do not mess with that awful acrylic junk or you will hate yourself in the morning. Don't ask me how I know.
Now, maybe someone like the Weaving Welshman who knows what they are actually talking about will weigh in and you can forget all my hot air and really learn something.