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I do not eat beef and the only pork I eat is bacon. Grew up eating wild game and my kids was raised on wild game. I take proper care of the game I kill in the field and while processing it. Have aged deer but not like Corizo does. So I might give that a try this year.
Wet aging works good if you don't have a place to hang it and the temps aren't good for hanging.
Strange isnt it, not many people are sneering at we Preppers now.
Anyone remember all the hype about off loading possessions and things we enjoy/love as we age ?

Frankly I dont subscribe to their "new age influencer" BS, how well I remember my Grandparents having and holding everything and anything that could possibly be useful; and it left a lasting effect on this now older guy.

IMHO the title "Grand Parents" is highly appropriate, they are/were exceptionally GRAND and western society has diminished and disgraced itself; by ignoring and despising our elderly folk.
I do not eat beef and the only pork I eat is bacon. Grew up eating wild game and my kids was raised on wild game. I take proper care of the game I kill in the field and while processing it. Have aged deer but not like Corizo does. So I might give that a try this year.

I assume that youre still in the habit of wiping your blood soaked or meat dribbled hands on that Crow woman's buckskin shirt Henry Frapp.....
I assume that youre still in the habit of wiping your blood soaked or meat dribbled hands on that Crow woman's buckskin shirt Henry Frapp.....
Why heck yeah. Some things just has to be, ya know.

I get a real hoot at how cranky Henry Frapp was in that show, as well as some of the funnier than heck words/sayings he used.
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Why heck yeah. Some things just has to be, ya know.

I get a real hoot at how cranky Henry Frapp was in that show, as well as some of the funnier than heck words/sayings he used.

Brian Keith was born for that role, he played a similar character in the old Disney movie "Ten Who Dared" and the old TV series "The Westerner".

"Whats wrong with ya doncha wanna have fun anymore" (Henry Frapp to Bill Tyler in the opening scene of The Mountain Men).
I think every American male ought to have a serviceable AR15, 7 mags, and at least one case of ammunition.

I shoot matches all the time and keep large quantities of components that I regularly use. I’m sure most people would take issue with it. That said, into the 70s and early 80s my dad and grandfather were still buying and loading from paper and tin 25lb kegs, and in my grandfathers shop there was a full sized, wooden barrel marked BLACK POWDER. This kind of makes our little plastic 8lb jugs look paltry.

The primer thing was crazy. It was hard to find them for a year. I got down to my last case. That’s never going to happen to me again.
Spams considered a national delicacy in the Philippines, I've no idea why though.
Some say that's from the GIs in WWII having a lot of Spam to trade and the locals developed a taste for it. It's one of those things that are hard to pin down. I don't mind Spam on occasion, but like the GIs', I'd get tired of it eating it every day.
Tip on wimmens, when one moves in give her a cardboard box, a nice one but not too big, she will ask what's that for tell her all her stuff she brings along goes in the box, if you ever come home and your box is sitting on the porch just pick it up and leave, and never ever give her a key to the door. No fuss no muss problem solved.
My dad worked with two brothers. Both were in the pacific theater during ww2. If you offered them spam , one would vomit, the other would punch you.
My Dad’s engineering battalion helped build the AL-CAN Highway and then got to ‘Tour the Pacific Islands’ (as he put it). To his dying day, he loved fried Spam and eggs every Saturday morning.
There is a low-salt version of Spam.

I'm not a huge fan of Spam, but GREATLY prefer it to ANY wild game I have ever eaten, other than fish. I pray I am never so poor or hungry again that I have to eat wild game.
well road kill not considered wild game lol :ghostly:
Brian Keith was born for that role, he played a similar character in the old Disney movie "Ten Who Dared" and the old TV series "The Westerner".

"Whats wrong with ya doncha wanna have fun anymore" (Henry Frapp to Bill Tyler in the opening scene of The Mountain Men).
Yep, that was one of my favorite scenes in that movie. He sure was a cantankerous old fart for sure. I have that movie and have watched it many times.
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