Long time lurker from NJ…..

Muzzleloading Forum

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Welcome from the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. By Pennsylvania law, I'm supposed to pick on you...you being from New Jersey and all that.
But I'll dispense with the law because your new here!
Even though you're from New Jersey, I'm glad you found the place!
Kidding aside, lots of info here about Rev and Civil War era weapons. Enjoy the trip you're on now. These "old timey" guns can get a bit addictive.
Haha, yea, thanks for ”sparing me”!
I do enjoy the PA gun shows since they are illegal in NJ. I’ve been to the Oaks shows, but have been trying to make it to the Forks of the Delaware shows in Allentown lately. I bought a very interesting and documented original 1756 model Brown Bess there. Looking for a Charleville next I think.
Welcome from Morris County, North of all of you “Southerners”. Long Beach Island is one of my happy places. Do get to the Kempton Fair in a few weeks and for heavens sake, make a trip to Dixon’s ML shop. It’s another of my happy places.
Hello from the New Jersey shore!
I’ve been a long time lurker here, but finally created an account not too long ago.
Still learning the ropes of black powder, and mostly interested in original Revolutionary War and original Civil War stuff.
As I get better with muzzle loaders, I am definitely looking forward to getting something nicer to hunt with during muzzle loader season here in NJ.
Just trying to soak up knowledge from all of the experienced members here!
Welcome from Somerset County NJ. If you want to learn about muzzleloading, this is the place. Lots of excellent info here including that from some highly knowledgeable past members who are no longer with us, but their shared info remains.
Cool! Where do you shoot? I’m a member of Monmouth County Rifle Pistol Club.
I don't currently. I've been out of the hobby for a while. I did military reenacting for about 30 years but too old now. My son is the one getting me back to looking at black powder shooting. I also don't hunt so I'll have to find a buddy who does, that way we can go to one of the WMA ranges.
Welcome from Tenasi (Tennessee).
I'm another old Jersey Boy. My hometown is Mount Holly in Burlington County. I spent a lot of time running around the Pine Barrens, and fishing in the bay near Tuckerton. I escaped from NJ in 1979.

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