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    • Ditt44
      Jim, I got one of my trail cams later in the day... several running around. Our bird feeder had... 15 ... the other day. Probably need...
    • Ditt44
      20 plus mph winds today and feels like less than 20 degrees... look out my at-home office window around 2pm and see two squirrels...
    • Ditt44
      I am one of those older but not old guys that has a terrible/worsening back and hips and ground sitting is getting harder. Standing...
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 replied to the thread Pyrodex or T7.
      as my 'ignore' list grows.... Anyway, if you have a clear/clean channel a #11 will work just fine with T7. Magnum versions, obviously...
    • Ditt44
      EDIT: I misread your ".54" Maybe you only may want the Maxis, if not, sorry for the confusion on that. Take a look at these, PM...
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    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 reacted to Juniata's post in the thread Tioga State Forest Doe with Like Like.
      Saturday 1-4-24 Took the 2 hr drive north to Tioga State Forest and arrived before light. Slip hunted all day long, it was blowing...
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 reacted to Hawthorn1213's post in the thread Possible bag set up with Like Like.
      I made this one a few years ago. It's a bit of a different style than a "typical" possibles bag but it suites me just fine. Round...
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 replied to the thread Pyrodex or T7.
      Back in early 2021 I couldn't find BP and the local shop had T7 2F so I bought a bottle for my .50 and .54 Renegades. I had never used...
    • Ditt44
      MELORDY 1 inch Buckles Straps Set... Straps and buckles set I previously...
    • Ditt44
      How about light weight ratchet straps? Cut some length off. Ready made hooks and easy to adjust... if that's not what you're hanging it...
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 replied to the thread Lead or leather to hold a flint.
      Im an improviser... I use elk skin work gloves once the fingers blow out. Just cut out the fingers or palm and you're good to go. Make...
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 replied to the thread .36 small game rifle.
      My Pedersoli Scout in .50 has a very fast lock, easy on flint and can't recall a failure to spark. It looks small but that lock, IMO...
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 replied to the thread TC Hawken pa conicals.
      They'll shoot fine. Based on TCs recommended loads for conicals (NOT including the PA Conical), you would be starting at a low of 70...
      • TC_50_conical_specs.jpg
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 replied to the thread Greetings from pa.
      .... and a shovel/snow-blower. You forgot to list those "tools" as well ;p hello from Lancaster County (formerly/a refugee of...
    • Ditt44
      Ditt44 reacted to Eric Krewson's post in the thread ML Kit Build Difficulty? with Like Like.
      Just so you guys know where I am coming from, I have taught duck carving and bow making but haven't found anyone interested in making a...
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