Recent content by Dave Markowitz

Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Dave Markowitz

    Who can re-build percussion locks?

    Cabin Creek Muzzleloading should be able to help you out. Brad Emig there fixed up a Siler percussion lock for me a couple years ago.
  2. Dave Markowitz

    Show N Tell your first MLer rifle

    Mine is this Numrich Arms Hopkins & Allen Heritage Model underhammer .45. My father bought it in 1969 - 70. He gave it to me in 1981. A few months ago I decided that I want to shoot it in woods walks. The lollipop rear sight and globe front sight weren't suited to that so I went to Numrich's...
  3. Dave Markowitz

    Percussion nipples

    OK, it sounds to me like you're pushing crud down into the breech. @renegadehunter 's advice on your jag sounds like a good idea. FWIW, back in the 1970s - 80s my dad had a Tingle 1962 target rifle that was insanely accurate out but he called his "Trouble Gun" because of intermittent ignition...
  4. Dave Markowitz

    Percussion nipples

    A few questions: First, how do you clean the rifle after each session? Do you flush the breech with water to ensure that the flash channel is clear? Second, in what position do you store the rifle? In my experience it's best to store rifles with patent breeches like your T/C muzzle-down, so...
  5. Dave Markowitz

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Took the rifle I'll be using next week in the PA early muzzleloader season out for a woods walk at my club. I had the place to myself. A .530 ball on top of 80 grains of Goex 2Fg makes those gongs clang. This rifle was a Cabela's Hawken .50 but this year I bought a "Bridger Hawken" .54 barrel...
  6. Dave Markowitz

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Shot the first woods walk of the season at Boulder Valley. I used my old Numrich Arms Hopkins & Allen .45 Heritage Model underhammer. I got 15 out of 20. The course is a bit more difficult than last year. My load was 50 grains of 3Fg with a .433 ball patched in .018 pillow ticking, lubed with...
  7. Dave Markowitz

    Target Rifle by J.H. Rector of Syracuse, NY

    I took the Rector rifle to the range today. My load was a .389 ball in a 0.018" pillow ticking patch lubed with Hoppe's No.9 BP Lube and Bore Cleaner, on top of 50 grains of Goex 3Fg. This seated easily with only thumb pressure in the muzzle. It shot several inches high at 50 yards from the...
  8. Dave Markowitz

    Target Rifle by J.H. Rector of Syracuse, NY

    Yes. AAMOF, if you're interested in picking up a T/C sidelock he has probably around a dozen in stock. I suspect a collector died and he acquired them. Also, plenty of custom smokepoles.
  9. Dave Markowitz

    Target Rifle by J.H. Rector of Syracuse, NY

    Thanks. I did check that and it's not a set trigger that you push forward. Good suggestion, though.
  10. Dave Markowitz

    Target Rifle by J.H. Rector of Syracuse, NY

    Gents, thanks for all the kind words. I had a feeling that I needed to go to Dixon's on Saturday, and sure enough that worked out! And I checked the rifling twist after I got home today from work. It's about 1:60, so it's a good twist for shooting round balls.
  11. Dave Markowitz

    Target Rifle by J.H. Rector of Syracuse, NY

    BTW, several rifles in this style are pictured in The Muzzleloading Caplock Rifle by Ned Roberts. Not all 19th Century caplocks were plains rifles or military arms.
  12. Dave Markowitz

    Target Rifle by J.H. Rector of Syracuse, NY

    I picked this up via trade yesterday at Dixon's. The asking price was $850. From what I've been able to determine, J.H. Rector was active in Syracuse 1845 - 1855, and later moved to Buffalo, NY with a partner. My SWAG is that it was built sometime around 1850. The .40 caliber barrel is 29.5"...
  13. Dave Markowitz

    Nipple replacement

    If you shoot your rifle enough nipples are consumable items. Your rifle was built by Investarm for Lyman. I have a couple Investarm-built guns and the stainless or AMPCO bronze nipples available for them from Track of the Wolf are good to go. It's a good idea to have a spare anyway, in case you...
  14. Dave Markowitz

    Repro Hawksley Flask

    I just received this copper Hawksley flask replica today from Veteran Arms. Shown with my Zouave or Peace flask for scale on the left. Closeup of the adjustable valve. It's marked in drams. One dram = 27.348 grains. I will leave it at the smallest setting of 2-1/2 drams and dispense into a...
  15. Dave Markowitz

    Natchez Shooters Supply has Remington No.10 Caps

    As of 0815 Eastern on 9/11/24, Natchez has Remington No.10s at $9.99 per tin of 100. HAZMAT is $22.99. Regular S&H depends on your location. Remington Percussion Caps #10 - 100/ct ( Just passing this along, no affiliation, etc., etc.