Recent content by LostInSauce

Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. LostInSauce

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Did you take any pictures of the surrounding landscape? Looks pretty.
  2. LostInSauce

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    This weekend I took apart my 1851 Navy and cleaned all the grease off the nipple threads, and out of the cones themselves. Still struggling to find powder out here.
  3. LostInSauce

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Ooh, a catalogue. Neat!
  4. LostInSauce

    Traditions revolver

    I think that companies like Traditions and Cimmaron are actually US based subsidiaries of the Italian companies that actually produce those weapons.
  5. LostInSauce

    Brass Frame 1851s

    Another question about shooting this thing. I stand with my side toward the target, yes? Legs spread shoulder width apart?
  6. LostInSauce

    Dumb Idea, Because Why Not?

    Can you imagine how much of a fuse Indian grandpa's blew when they found out their grandkids had traded in their bows and arrows for muskets. They went ballistic...pun intended.
  7. LostInSauce

    Dumb Idea, Because Why Not?

    Better watch what you wish for. We have the technology.
  8. LostInSauce

    Dumb Idea, Because Why Not?

    Well it wasn't a period scope.
  9. LostInSauce

    Brass Frame 1851s

    Update: thanks to Ced and Flint Fellow I ended up picking up a loading press. Just came in the mail today.
  10. LostInSauce

    Dumb Idea, Because Why Not?

    Well, I won't stop you.
  11. LostInSauce

    Dumb Idea, Because Why Not?

    No particular reason.
  12. LostInSauce

    Dumb Idea, Because Why Not?

  13. LostInSauce

    Scottish Corned Beef Anybody?

    Saltpeter? Huh. I'm assuming when they say turn it, they literally mean flipping the piece of meat over?
  14. LostInSauce

    Hi from western Kentucky

    Welcome! You anywhere near E-Town?
  15. LostInSauce

    Dumb Idea, Because Why Not?

    I didn't post any such photo.