Unfortunately, there are several things going on. First, the stuff is done by actual artisans, who may or may not be prompt in filling orders to Godwin. Second, as observed the biggest problems are from about four years ago forward ; four years ago was COVID. Third a lot of their business is done at reenactments, and they stock a lot of stuff for those events. SO when COVID hit the volume of business dropped, and their small staff became even smaller. Now, trying to ramp back up is difficult as those people who left have moved on to other forms of employment. Some of the artisans have stopped making the stuff.
I buy a lot from them but I do it in person. A good place to see them and get stuff is at Fort Frederick Market Fair. I'd suggest that if you wanted something, try to find somebody going to the fair and get that person to approach Drew, the fellow who does the reenactments and market fairs, and see if the item is available on the table, or if they have a good source for it or is their source spotty on production.