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I am an idiot. Frustrated to the point of wanting to quit.

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I can't tell if part of the liner is still in there, sure looks like it and drilled. There is never any reason to remove them things unless the hole is shot out. Use the right ball puller. The things they sell will expand a ball so much you will never remove it. Pre drilling a ball works better but use a sleeve on the rod to center the drill. I never have trouble getting a flash in the pan to fire. I just use my pick to work 4F into the touch hole.
I have never had one of TOTW ball pullers expand the ball and make it difficult to get out, usually any lead that it displaces goes up not out. But then again, I have never needed to put the barrel in a vice as others have suggested or used anything but hand pressure to screw it in.
I know what I did was stupid. I just got so frustrated and sick and tired of never being able to get things to work for me. I’ve tried 3 different powders. Every time I mess with this stupid gun I work my butt off and maybe get it to shoot a handful of times and it goes back to flash and nothing. I can never get the stupid bullet puller to bite into the ball. In desperation the only way I’ve been able to get it unloaded in the past has been to remove the touch hole plug and tediously push as much powder in the hole as I can fit, then try it it again. Well, this time I wallered the touchhole out and even after I tried cleaning up the slot with very small file, I still couldn’t get it to turn. I even strapped the gun down in a lock down rest and tried to get the powder to ignite with a propane pen torch to the point where I quit bc I was afraid of doing irreparable damage to the finish.

Well I decided that touchhole had to come out and my stupid a$$ got to here and I’m just so frustrated I’m ready to just throw this -deleted- gun in a sinkhole. I really enjoy rendezvous and club shoots or I would if I could ever get my rifle to go off more than 5 times.

I realize how stupid I look here. I swear I’m not that clueless. I literally work with my hands and tools every day. Grew up farming and with modern firearms and have always been a born tinkerer. This type of thing is usually right in my wheel house, but I just got frustrated and rage took over.

I’m going to try this one more time. As embarrassing as this is I am coming to the forum. I’m going to try whatever y’all tell me to do, if I can get it to work, then I’ll stick with it. If not, I’m throwing the damn rifle in a sinkhole.
im betting the face of your breech is caked up with fouling. take a scraper on the end of your range rod and scrape it while its dry and turn upside down to see if soot is coming out. im guessing soot is clogging up touch hole
One of the things I would do is to remove the breech plug and find out what is causing the blockage.
If the OP responds, I would definitely recommend they leave the breech plug alone at this point in time. Plus, based on their OP, doesn’t sound like something they should attempt.
I’ve tried 3 different powders. Every time I mess with this stupid gun I work my butt off and maybe get it to shoot a handful of times and it goes back to flash and nothing. I can never get the stupid bullet puller to bite into the ball
The OP had to pull the ball because the load didn’t ignite. Pulling the ball is not the problem.

Three different powders were tried. You have to wonder if they were three different substitute powders and not real blackpowder for the main charge in their flintlock. Could explain the flash in the pan. If they are using real blackpowder and getting a flash in the pan, likely a poor cleaning or excessive oil left in the breech.

The OP has been given a phone number (@nit wit) to call and talk the problem through, plus an offer from someone 15 minutes (@ronaldrothb49) away for a hands on one on one session. Unless the OP has resolved the problem, or completely given up and lost interest, there are two legitimate offers for real assistance on the table. Difficult to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.
Hey everyboy, I am here, alive... I got on and read everyones advice and decided to take a short break from the muzzleloader, and over the last few days I had a kids birthday party and moved 144 round bales from one farm to the other 8miles away.... On top of that, unlike most of my generation I just dont spend a lot of time online/my phone and whatnot, sorry if it seemed like I ghosted everyone.

I want to start by thanking everyone for both the practical advice and words of encouragement. I am usually patient and good about problem solving and meticulous tasks but something about this rifle just made me break character and throw a little tantrum. But its out of my system now.

I am going to try and answer all the questions and give more details about how I got to where I am.

First, as one member skillfully noticed, the gun is a Cabelas Invest Arms Hawken, not a Traditions or TC.

As to the trying 3 different Powders, the three powders I was talking about were , 1 Goex FFg.... when I was in college my fraternity had a cannon that we would dry fire at home football games, and I brought it home and shot i a few times at a pig roast we had at the farm, when I did I had about four pounds left over.... The can had never been opened until recently and in the 10 years since it was purchased it has been stored in a dehumidified gunsafe so I assumed it would be fine, I dont know if the age has anything to do with it.... I also thought that maybe it was too course to prime with so I ground smaller amounts of it in a mortar and pestle to a finer grade to use for priming but that didnt help.
I also tried using Hogdon Pyrodex Muzzleloading propellant "P The FFFFg Equivalent", but was advised by someone in the club I am in that it wasnt what I wanted for a flint gun.... that it would be good for a cap gun but not flint
And the third powder i tried was some either FFFg or FFFFg (not sure which) that another club member gave me when I was having trouble and I said I wasnt sure if my powder was suspect or not. It worked fine in his gun that day but I only had about a medicine bottles worth and it did shoot some with the gifted powder but not perfectly.

The liner has been drilled out by me when i was trynig to get the easy out to bite, but all it did was bore the hole out more.

There is still a load in the barrel. I have tried using an air compressor (after boring out the liner hole) nothing. Tried the propane torch again after boring out the holeand putting the barrel into the loader bucket of a tractor, squirting lighter fluid into the touch hole and lighting it off by dropping a burning rag soaked in oil onto the touch hole while crouching behind/below the bucket for safety.

I believe another correct observation is the presence of brass brush bristles... looking into the hole I thought i saw some too. I know I didnt lose a whole cleaning jag (or whatever they are called) in there but some must have came off one my cleaning brushes.

The ball puller i have is just one of the basic ones that screws into a cleaning rod.... I have tried it both on my cleaning rod and my ramrod (the regular one that fits under the gun, I dont have one of the nice range rods with heavy weighted handles it seems everyone else has. I understand the concept of getting it to bite/take threads.... I have some 25" drill bits that are just a bit too short to reach the ball so I wast able to pre drill it with the tools I had available, and like I said I havent had a chance to acquire the means to make a jig or whatever to get one down there that far. How would I know havent wallered too big a hole in my ball for the puller to bite ?

I should also disclose, not sure if its relevant or not, but the patch I used is pretty big and pretty thick, possibly hindering the puller... I will post a picture of the patched and the puller in the next comment from my phone. I am typing this out on my computer because I hate having to type out long stuff on my little phone screen.

Also, Ronaldroth 59 I am replying to your pm... I will likely take you up on your offer
This is the type of patch I used and the puller I’ve got. That is a 50 cal ball for reference. In homesight I’m wondering if using a patch that big and fat is blocking the puller from getting to the lead.


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listen here, i have dry balled, had funk and crude and everything else where a ball would not come out. to me the screw on the puller aint much! i had a ball stuck bad in a 62 cal. one day, i went to the hardware store and bought some 3/8 steel rod and a steel screw, i welded the head of the screw to the end of the rod. cut off about an 8in. piece of rod and welded it on the other end and made a T handle. i screwed the screw into the ball, then put the T between a forked oak and pulled! worked perfect. then i needed to pull a 40cal. ball, i went and bought a smaller rod and screw and did the same thing. where there is a will there is a way! the only time you are defeated is when you quit!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Hey everyboy, I am here, alive... I got on and read everyones advice and decided to take a short break from the muzzleloader, and over the last few days I had a kids birthday party and moved 144 round bales from one farm to the other 8miles away.... On top of that, unlike most of my generation I just dont spend a lot of time online/my phone and whatnot, sorry if it seemed like I ghosted everyone.

I want to start by thanking everyone for both the practical advice and words of encouragement. I am usually patient and good about problem solving and meticulous tasks but something about this rifle just made me break character and throw a little tantrum. But its out of my system now.

I am going to try and answer all the questions and give more details about how I got to where I am.

First, as one member skillfully noticed, the gun is a Cabelas Invest Arms Hawken, not a Traditions or TC.

As to the trying 3 different Powders, the three powders I was talking about were , 1 Goex FFg.... when I was in college my fraternity had a cannon that we would dry fire at home football games, and I brought it home and shot i a few times at a pig roast we had at the farm, when I did I had about four pounds left over.... The can had never been opened until recently and in the 10 years since it was purchased it has been stored in a dehumidified gunsafe so I assumed it would be fine, I dont know if the age has anything to do with it.... I also thought that maybe it was too course to prime with so I ground smaller amounts of it in a mortar and pestle to a finer grade to use for priming but that didnt help.
I also tried using Hogdon Pyrodex Muzzleloading propellant "P The FFFFg Equivalent", but was advised by someone in the club I am in that it wasnt what I wanted for a flint gun.... that it would be good for a cap gun but not flint
And the third powder i tried was some either FFFg or FFFFg (not sure which) that another club member gave me when I was having trouble and I said I wasnt sure if my powder was suspect or not. It worked fine in his gun that day but I only had about a medicine bottles worth and it did shoot some with the gifted powder but not perfectly.

The liner has been drilled out by me when i was trynig to get the easy out to bite, but all it did was bore the hole out more.

There is still a load in the barrel. I have tried using an air compressor (after boring out the liner hole) nothing. Tried the propane torch again after boring out the holeand putting the barrel into the loader bucket of a tractor, squirting lighter fluid into the touch hole and lighting it off by dropping a burning rag soaked in oil onto the touch hole while crouching behind/below the bucket for safety.

I believe another correct observation is the presence of brass brush bristles... looking into the hole I thought i saw some too. I know I didnt lose a whole cleaning jag (or whatever they are called) in there but some must have came off one my cleaning brushes.

The ball puller i have is just one of the basic ones that screws into a cleaning rod.... I have tried it both on my cleaning rod and my ramrod (the regular one that fits under the gun, I dont have one of the nice range rods with heavy weighted handles it seems everyone else has. I understand the concept of getting it to bite/take threads.... I have some 25" drill bits that are just a bit too short to reach the ball so I wast able to pre drill it with the tools I had available, and like I said I havent had a chance to acquire the means to make a jig or whatever to get one down there that far. How would I know havent wallered too big a hole in my ball for the puller to bite ?

I should also disclose, not sure if its relevant or not, but the patch I used is pretty big and pretty thick, possibly hindering the puller... I will post a picture of the patched and the puller in the next comment from my phone. I am typing this out on my computer because I hate having to type out long stuff on my little phone screen.

Also, Ronaldroth 59 I am replying to your pm... I will likely take you up on your offer
Thank you for updating us.

First and foremost. Take a break, no more lighter fluid and burning rag shenanigans. Clean out the threaded hole, fit a zirk and push the now hopeless load out with a grease gun.

Next. No more substitute powders. Your 2f should work fine if the other problems with the gun can be determined.

Is your flint sharp, is it striking at the correct angle, does it produce sparks when nothing is in the pan? Please do not test the last one until you clear the current mess from your barrel, then test in a dark room or outside at night.

I'm not sure what you were cleaning with after your previous shooting attempts, or more importantly what you are putting in/on the gun for rust protection,,, but,,, are you thoroughly removing it from the bore, pan, and flint (if you slopped some there) before loading the gun?
When you get it fixed always do this and you will not have any more problems. You must pump flush that breech with water. This will prevent black powder "DUNG" from building up in the breech and dry like concrete to where powder will stop making its way to the flash hole.

You can't just use a few wet patches to clean this type of Flintlock. I've seen it a hundred times. When you pour in the powder you rap the side of the barrel and powder should be right at the touchhole. If it doesn't then your patent breech is gobbed off.

The letter 'P' in Pyrodex P stands for 'pistol', hence the fine gradation, said to be 3Fg.

And from my own personal experience black powder in a sealed container doesn't degrade. I've shot 120-year-old powder, and over on the Snider forum one lucky shooter bought an unopened package of ten rounds - made in 1889. They all went bang, with just one slightly slower.

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