Starting point for lock making

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The other parts cannot
be built to design and end up with a working lock.
To clarify...
For Lauber:
Understand what all the parts are and how they go together. Some of his drawings showing how they go together are incorrect. If you know where the parts are supposed to go, put them there! if you know what the function of the part is, make it so that it functions. You can build a working lock from the plans. Use the plans as a guide. The TRS small pistol wheellock kit is the same as Laubers plans. The kit from TRS however was garbage...
For TRS:
Many of the parts do not have enough metal to "file to fit". They are already mis-shapen; wax pre-casting got bent, "shrinkage" has occurred, or too small already to fit correctly. Hole detents (drilling markers) are sometimes in the wrong place. Figure out where the part needs to go to function correctly and do what you have to to make that work.
Hope this helps!

I was taught, make part A.. In this case start with a lock plate. Figure out all the details< hole locations and such, as much as you can, say pan or bolster alignments?> once part A is completed, as far as you need..Make Part B.. complete part B by fitting it to part A < without altering part A> Then make C, finishing it by fitting to A&B without altering them .. and so on.. IF you are careful and know what the parts are and their relationships.. You can end up with a working lock!

Honestly ;) Sometimes that next part is remade along the way.. just part of the process and you learn more at the same time.

Respect Always

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