Because this item was presented to you as a token of gratitude by someone you care about, it will always have special meaning to you and each time you come into contact with it, whether it be kept in a place safe from harm or used/shot for fun, it will always be a special thing to YOU.
If it's value to you is simply what it may be sold for, that's another concept entirely. Once it's shot or lines scratched into the cylinder by cycling, it's a used gun to anyone else - worth only what someone is willing to pay. It will not be "special" to anyone else. Not even your relatives.
I have had several guns presented to me over the years. Some have never been even cycled. Others immediately were used - a couple to hunt/shoot, others carried/used on duty. It's strictly up to the individual. No right or wrong choice ..and no one's business, really. We only live once.