Thank you for the reply, Bob. However, I beg to differ, in terms of a deers sense of smell. Being an avid bow hunter for many years, I have learned how to beat their noses, and that’s here in the mountains where the wind direction can and does change from one minute to the next. Downdrafts are common as well. There are ways to do it but spraying oneself down with something that has a definite odor to it is not one of them.
Hunting the wind is a definite (for flatlanders) but that does not help much in the mountains, especially while walking in and leaving scent on everything that touches clothing. I have become quite successful overall at beating deer's noses over the years, thus my rationale for not using Permethrin long ago. I use no commercial, spray, scent control products on my hunting attire and I simply do not get busted.
I reckon I’ll try to find some Permethrin with no petroleum base to it. According to research, it is not supposed to have any smell to it. However, I still have my doubts.