Removing lacquer from metal.

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Dec 9, 2023
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Hey all I've got a Dublin Castle Brownbess Musket, flintlock, from veteran arms. I'm not looking to refinishing the whole stock or remove the finish on the metal. However it seems when it was being finished some lacquer got onto the metal parts (lock and trigger guard and the end of the barrel) is the only place I noticed it. How could I clean this up without damaging the finish that's on the metal? I know it's not the prettiest of guns but for what I do in my own time it's not bad. I'm judt aiming to clean that up a little.
I would try lacquer thinner or acetone in an inconspicuous area and see how it does.
What I think I'll do is remove the trigger guard and put some on the bottom of it and see how it reacts, if we'll then I'll use it on the spits where lacquer is.
To do the job right you need to remove the metal parts that have the lacquer finish on them and use a lacquer thinner or acetone to remove it. If you try to clean off the lacquer from the metal while it is in the stock you most likely will remove some of the wood's finish. Good luck.
The parts that have it are far enough from the wood that i don't think it'll get on the stock. However I definitely was going to do this with the smaller parts, not the barrel though as it has like 29 million pins.

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