Try a little bigger charge, it might tighten your group a bit. Service charge was a little higher it seems and elephant is a lower energy powderView attachment 358136 I have found this musket very pleasent to shoot once I compleated the build. As you can see here I was able to keep all 4 shots of my group on a torso sized target at 30 yards. The three shot group at the top shows the gun has a lot of promice when it comes to accuracy. The ball that went to the bottom left was my fault not the gun's. I am sure once I work up a load for it I can do much better. I was useing a .735 round ball and 90 grains of Elephant brand FF which I know is not the best powder but is what I have right now. The gun wanted to shoot high as I was aiming for the center of the board in the picture but given the taper of the barrel and shorter length this is to be expected.
Those where my first offhand shots. I used news paper as wadding and was shooting bare ball. Come tax time Ill get some swiss or more premium powder and wads and actually take a rest and see what the gun can really do. Thank you btw I took a week or so finishing her she came as a kit.Try a little bigger charge, it might tighten your group a bit. Service charge was a little higher it seems and elephant is a lower energy powder
But…. That’s great for deer and plinking and first shots even better
That’s a super good looking gun
Depending on what era, the service charge could be over 150 grs under a .69-.71 ballTry a little bigger charge, it might tighten your group a bit. Service charge was a little higher it seems and elephant is a lower energy powder
But…. That’s great for deer and plinking and first shots even better
That’s a super good looking gun
Traded a knife I forged for 5 cans of it to a guy that lives up the road from me. No idea where he got it.Where did you find Elephant black powder at?!?! I have an empty can around here somewhere…..
Nothing wrong with Swiss, except it’s expensive, about a third more then SchutzenThose where my first offhand shots. I used news paper as wadding and was shooting bare ball. Come tax time Ill get some swiss or more premium powder and wads and actually take a rest and see what the gun can really do. Thank you btw I took a week or so finishing her she came as a kit.
Try a ball and a patch sometime. Might shoot really well.View attachment 358136 I have found this musket very pleasent to shoot once I compleated the build. As you can see here I was able to keep all 4 shots of my group on a torso sized target at 30 yards. The three shot group at the top shows the gun has a lot of promice when it comes to accuracy. The ball that went to the bottom left was my fault not the gun's. I am sure once I work up a load for it I can do much better. I was useing a .735 round ball and 90 grains of Elephant brand FF which I know is not the best powder but is what I have right now. The gun wanted to shoot high as I was aiming for the center of the board in the picture but given the taper of the barrel and shorter length this is to be expected.