Powder Horn filling?

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32 Cal
Nov 3, 2024
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ. (Ahwatukee)
Newb question here.
How is the powder horn filled with powder? Tiny funnel?
Would any originals have had a larger filling plug that then had a smaller pouring plug?
I’ve seen horns with filling plugs in the base. None of mine have that feature
I use a small funnel, but have filled a lot with hand grasp forming a funnel with thumb and first finger
My horn has a one inch threaded hole in the base, I unscrew the base plug and fill her up quick!
I attach a small, screw in funnel to my older Goex cans and pour into the spout. Not sure when I got this funnel, in the '70s I believe. :)
Newb question here.
How is the powder horn filled with powder? Tiny funnel?
Would any originals have had a larger filling plug that then had a smaller pouring plug?
You can make a “tiny funnel” that attaches to the cap of your powder can easy enough. Use a .223 case with the base removed (hack saw will cut it off in just a few minutes) next drill a hole in the cap just slightly smaller than the case diameter so that it takes a little effort to push it through the hole you drilled. Seal with the waterproof glue of your choice around the case on the top of the cap. Let dry completely and you’re all set. The old metal cans work the best for this but you can do it with the plastic ones also. It’s one of the reasons I always keep my old powder containers.

This with a brass funnel I bought from TOTW
That wide,leather band is pretty cool. Was that sewn into a loop then wet and stretched on there? Shrinking as it dried?
I don't know I purchased it in the classifieds. Here are a couple of photos so you can see how it's on there. It had one stitch holding it in place and the band on the horn keeps it from sliding off.
When I made my first horn there were no M.L.forums to go to for help! I didn't have a book either. I made a Red Cedar plug for the butt plate of my horn. I made a hole one inch in diameter in the butt plate I had a bolt with a nut that i used to cut the threads and tap the hole. I ran a hacksaw blade through the nut hole and started a cut in four places then used a small file to finish the slots. I did the same to the bolt. I used the bolt to thread the hole and the nut to thread the plug. It worked like a charm using my hand made tap and die? I thought the threads would fail me but they didn;t ? I still have the horn and it is still full of powder and it never gave me any problems? I hope this helps someone as you guys have helped me a lot!

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