yes to clean my toilet!Poor guy simply asked if "75 percent alcohol (90 per) and 25 per Lestoil. Anybody ever use it"
Notice he did not ask for what you use.
yes to clean my toilet!Poor guy simply asked if "75 percent alcohol (90 per) and 25 per Lestoil. Anybody ever use it"
Notice he did not ask for what you use.
Poor guy simply asked if "75 percent alcohol (90 per) and 25 per Lestoil. Anybody ever use it"
Notice he did not ask for what you use.
Here is his website Black powder rifle accuracy system -. You may get hold of him with a PM (@Dr5x), though he has not been very active on the forum lately. Just an FYI, he is now in his mid 90s and has failing eyesight.where can one get a copy of DUTCH SCHULTZ'S BOOK.? I have never heard of it. thanking you.
where can one get a copy of DUTCH SCHULTZ'S BOOK.? I have never heard of it. thanking you.
Haha you know that is not how the internet works! Something about opinions and buttholes.Poor guy simply asked if "75 percent alcohol (90 per) and 25 per Lestoil. Anybody ever use it"
Notice he did not ask for what you use.
That solution certainly is good for cleaning the fouling from shooting a muzzle loading firearm. It has everything one needs. There's water to dissolve the fouling, the soap and Ballistol to remove burnt on lubricants. Be aware that Duch will elsewhere in his system be equally as adamant that no water should be used to clean black powder fouling. I respectfully disagree with that statement.22parts water 1part balistol and 1pat murphys oil soap. I got this recipe from Dutch Schultz's book muzzleloading accuracy. It has worked great for me for cleaning and patch lube.
Female, of courseMale or female goat?
thank you so much for the information you provided is a link Black powder rifle accuracy system -
Colonel Stoopnagle! Of course he really existed. He and Major Hoople were two of my favorite boyhood heroes. Thanks for the labels, Enfield58. I'll be honored to promote Colonel Stoopnagle's products on shootings ranges all across our fair land.
Plain water is all that is needed for cleaning black powder fouling, anything else is a waste of time and money.
Plain water is all that is needed for cleaning black powder fouling, anything else is a waste of time and money.
Works for me.he cheapest, wettest, most historically correct, available cleaning solution is plain old water.
I have notice as I have traveled through my life that if something is easy to do most people will try as hard as they can to complicate it? LOL!Seems every one is seeking a miracle cleaner and it is as close as their faucet.
A salt is a metallic cation bound to an inorganic anion. Eg. Sodium-chloride, potassium-chliride, etc... salts ionize (dissolve into component cation - anion) in water, ( the universal solvent) and that's why we clean with water.Except there is nothing there that will dissolve the salts that are a result of combustion. That mix may wear away the fouling but I doubt it wll get he corrosive materials in the pores of the steel.
Good luck it is your gun but I stick with water and Ballistol.
Put som e of the mix in a glass and drop in a sprinkle of tale salt.
NOPE75 percent alcohol (90 per) and 25 per Lestoil. Anybody ever use it