Choosing a brand of powder

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Ricky Bobby

32 Cal
Nov 8, 2024
Reaction score
southern Illinois
When starting out should I try several different brands of powder in my rifle or pick one and just run with it? It would be nice to just have 1 powder instead of multiple. I’m going to run 3F in my pan as well as the main charge. Swiss, Goex, or Schuetzen?
When starting out should I try several different brands of powder in my rifle or pick one and just run with it? It would be nice to just have 1 powder instead of multiple. I’m going to run 3F in my pan as well as the main charge. Swiss, Goex, or Schuetzen?
I will buy a good amount but that means the least expensive because mostly I'm burning blanks for living history.
I will also buy several pounds of GOEX when available because they are USA based.

I burn Swiss mostly because when I was heavily into BPCRS it gave the lowest standard deviation over a chronograph, and I bought it by the case.

Now that I am pretty much retired from that discipline I still have a good amount left, so that is what I shoot.

Most ML shooters will not be able to tell the difference in accuracy between the various types (Unless your a serious heavy benchrest shooter) so buy whatever one is cheapest in bulk. You will only tell a difference in accuracy/POI if switching between brands.
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There is another difference in Swiss, in my experience, and that is less fouling. A friend of mine exclusively uses Swiss and if we were cleaning guns after a day of shooting, his guns had considerably less fouling requiring fewer patches.

But, I agree that for all practical purposes, all of the brands will shoot better than most of us can, so not much practical difference unless you are in top competitions. Choose a brand and use it.
In the 40+ years I've been muzzleloading I've tried almost every kind of powder and only found one that was just not any good which was Elephant, it was god awful dirty.
Me too. Also, in head to head velocity testing against goex (2f and 3f) swiss, Scheutzen, Graf, and Pyrodex P the elephant was the least energetic even though the same volume measures for all powder tested showed the elephant to have a greater mass than all.of them.
Buy a couple pounds of whatever 3F is available at a reasonable price and work up your best load with that. My observation is most shooters use the same brand for as long as they can get it. I always used GOEX until it wasn't available, switched to Swiss and am happy with it, and now buying some GOEX again as it's less expensive. I'm not a good enough shooter to notice any accuracy difference, but Swiss is less fouling in my experience.
When starting out should I try several different brands of powder in my rifle or pick one and just run with it? It would be nice to just have 1 powder instead of multiple. I’m going to run 3F in my pan as well as the main charge. Swiss, Goex, or Schuetzen?

Whatever is available and within your price range. If you are going to be target shooting or doing competitions, Swiss is dang near impossible to beat but all the rest go bang just fine. I was a Goex guy until the shelves dried up and now I mostly shoot Schutzen.

Agreed with above. Your main criterion for selection is probably going to be: 1) minimum purchase requirement; and 2) waiver of hazmat fees. All the brands you mentioned perform acceptably. My preference is for Swiss.
Whatever is available and within your price range. If you are going to be target shooting or doing competitions, Swiss is dang near impossible to beat but all the rest go bang just fine. I was a Goex guy until the shelves dried up and now I mostly shoot Schutzen.
Fortunately GOEX is back...unless someone is doing Olympic-type shooting, I don't think any normal human can detect any difference, all things being equal; although I know there are some here who will claim otherwise!
Considering I have no choice but to order powder online, I figure I might as well get a lot at one time. I much prefer standardization. I also prefer Swiss due to it has proven to burn cleaner for me. Thus, I stick with Swiss for all my muzzleloaders. I cannot attest to Swiss actually being any more accurate out of my ML's, but it certainly is a little hotter and cleaner burning.

My thoughts are, get whatever you can afford, if you purchase online, order a fair amount each time.
Yup, but at the time, it was the only powder available. I still have some that gets used up in blanks.
I have a can of 5f Elephant I haven't shot any of this one but I had some 7f that worked good for priming . Unless the wind was blowing 🙃. Seriously get what can can find . Don't rule out 2f though.

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