The criticisms of the NMLRA for inclusion of so-called "modern muzzleloaders" fails to recognize that going back over 60 years innovative muzzleloading rifles, shotguns, and pistols were welcome at Friendship in many matches. Specifically, I recall several over/under shotguns that, from a distance would be nigh onto impossible to discern from modern semi-autos of that time. Same with pistols (even flintlocks) and rifles. Firearms competition in all disciplines spurs interest and interest means product development, sales, profit, and a future for the genre.
Now, there will always be those who believe their candle shine brighter when others' are snuffed out (criticism, belittling, snobbish boors) whose behavior kills groups. If muzzleloading is to survive, we must be inclusive, not divisive. I might add ..instead of hoarding your last month;s muzzleloading magazine, consider leaving it at your barbershop or doctor's waiting room ? Be sure to remove your address, first.