I've had it for a while killed a bunch of dove and a few ducks with it this season she's jugged full I've killed dove out to 60yd with this gun. I like it but I haven't used her much since I got my pedersoli 10ga with removable chokes. Made by al shroder out of Iowa. I put it up here to give a guy off reddit a place to see pics of her in case he wanted it (why it has a different usetname)but I'm happy to just show it off.Interesting!
Looks like a newer version of a mule-eared percussion sidelock, paired with a raised vent rib. Bet its fast ignition! Keep us posted on how she performs.
Yep I go every weds to the gun club and get yelled at by whatever new kid they happen to have hired allllll the time. Have to tell em "go tell them Adam's out here shooting his 10ga and see what they say" they usually have a good laugh about it.You would get some looks on an actual trap field with that one. Is BP trap shooting a thing?