Salutations From Europe

Muzzleloading Forum

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It's always high noon somewhere...
Dec 14, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern Europe
Hi all,

First time BP owner and shooter, just got my Pietta Colt 1851 Navy (brass frame, with factory engravings). I have a good amount of experience with modern firearms. I like the way BP firearms look, and I think their old timey nature, combined with the fact that every load is done by you, and not some factory, makes for a more intimate shooting experience. Akin to comparing an automatic transmission to a manual one. BP shooting is a way to partake in history. If I had the money for it, I think I'd get into reenacting. Anyway, that's the end of my rant. Look forward to interacting with you guys!
Howdy and Welcome from Texas!
Lots of good info available here, just for the asking.
Show us photos of you shooting, what you shoot, and where you shoot. Do you shoot with friends or kids? Show us photos of them shooting, too. We LOVE photos!
The US has a lot of history, but it only goes back so far. Europe has a lot more history, so you're going to discover all kinds of BP firearms to build, buy, and use. Best of luck in this hobby/obsession!
Welcome from Upstate New York's Central-Leatherstocking Region.

Muzzleloading is definately a purer form of projecting a projectile. Though I reload those other, more modern thinghys with a LOT more care. I like the simplicity of round lead balls and a measure of powder. Smacking a shard of stone on a frizzen to ignite it - mind bending.
Hi all,

First time BP owner and shooter, just got my Pietta Colt 1851 Navy (brass frame, with factory engravings). I have a good amount of experience with modern firearms. I like the way BP firearms look, and I think their old timey nature, combined with the fact that every load is done by you, and not some factory, makes for a more intimate shooting experience. Akin to comparing an automatic transmission to a manual one. BP shooting is a way to partake in history. If I had the money for it, I think I'd get into reenacting. Anyway, that's the end of my rant. Look forward to interacting with you guys!


Any chance we can talk you out of this, and that you will save yourself?

What if I wrote, FLEE! FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE? ....No?

Ah well, never mind. Too late. You see, this hobby quickly becomes an addiction, and you just can't stop. IF you get into living history, then it makes matters worse. You will start choosing your car by how much of the old tech gear it will haul, and whether or not the car is good in a muddy field. You will find you are more comfortable in reproduction antique clothing. You will laugh when you hear folks complaining about the price of their modern rifle because you just bought a used repro flintlock rifle for €1500 and it was a "bargain". You will scoff at folks who are worried about incoming storms because you have a shelter and a cooking set based on centuries old tech, and can make a fire without matches.

So you are now, One of Us, One of Us, One of Us, One of Us, One of Us....


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