Pecatonica swamped barrel tang installation problem

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trace the inside of plate onto stiff paper that you can form to the edge of the plate , cut it out and form and trace to stock. have to make sure your cut is true or one side of stock will be shorter.
trace the inside of plate onto stiff paper that you can form to the edge of the plate , cut it out and form and trace to stock. have to make sure your cut is true or one side of stock will be shorter.
I am having difficulty envisioning this. I failed to mention that I do not intend to actually saw to the exact length, but rather outside the line and ease the plate forward, but not down in the least, once the horizontal level is correct in all directions. Back to your method of lay-out...I can see a way to trace the brass curve onto paper, but there will be a problem when transferring the line onto the stock. The stock is about 2-3 sixteenth of an inch thicker than the brass on each side. There will be a distortion-- a shortening of the curve when transferred.
yes but as you said this is just roughing it in. so yes leave some room for final inlet but this will get you close
I am having difficulty envisioning this. I failed to mention that I do not intend to actually saw to the exact length, but rather outside the line and ease the plate forward, but not down in the least, once the horizontal level is correct in all directions. Back to your method of lay-out...I can see a way to trace the brass curve onto paper, but there will be a problem when transferring the line onto the stock. The stock is about 2-3 sixteenth of an inch thicker than the brass on each side. There will be a distortion-- a shortening of the curve when transferred.
my method is to take a pencil then a spacer the thickness of the amount you want to remove and tape another pencil to it now scribe your line on one side then turn the stock over and do the other side simple
my method is to take a pencil then a spacer the thickness of the amount you want to remove and tape another pencil to it now scribe your line on one side then turn the stock over and do the other side simple
That is assuming the inside curve of the brass plate has already been traced onto both sides the stock.

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