Allen W. Eckert books ?

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dvlmstr said:
I would like to highly recommend to you the book "Scoouwa". It is the account of James Smith's captivity by the indians written by himself. They were Canawagas (sp?) if I remember correctly. Smith was captured when he was 18 years old in 1755 just before Braddock's Defeat.
The Ohio Historical Society reprinted it in 1976.
Used copies can be had from Abe or Amazon for about $15.00.
Smith's description of the adoption ceremony is a classic, and was in common use by a number of tribes.
It is a great read.

Regards, Dave

Two thumbs up. Exellent read. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I have several shelves filled with Eckert books that I have collected, all hard covers, many first editions, some signed copies. I live in an area where a lot of what he writes about happened, Fort Boonesboro, Bryan Station, Blue Licks, Washington, Ky (Simon Kenton's residence), the Warrior's Path, Stode Station (where Blue Jacket was held prisoner) and Eskippakithiki are all only a short distance from here. Eckert's books bring to life the brutality and struggles the early residents of this area withstood.
A few good books for kids from Eckert - Incident At Hawk's Hill, Return to Hawk's Hill and Johnny Logan - Shawnee Spy.
I also have some large coffee table books of his on North American Owls and Wading Birds of North America. Both are very well done. The book on the Dayton flood is called "A Time of Terror" (1965) - yes it is a very good read as well. If you could not tell, Mr. Eckert is probably one of my favorite authors. He is getting up there in years. I have not seen any new titles from him of late, hope he is doing well.
Have you read Song of the Wild? It is dated 1980 and may be Mr Eckert’s last book…? It is my favorite book from growing up and only today when a neighbor friend’s daughter asked to borrow it again am I realizing he wrote other books and is a well-loved author for many of those other works!

You mention KY in your post. Wondering if you are anywhere close to Clarksville TN. I plan to read some of his other book and take a road trip north to see the area they are set. Think I will start with the ‘good for kids’ titles of his you mention and then his Winning of America series. Was hoping he wrote other books like Song of the Wild but am interested to learn more about eastern Native American history through the lens of such a descriptive writer!
I do believe I have read all of Eckerts books. someone could make a series of movies with them.
Have you read Song of the Wild? It is dated 1980 and may be Mr Eckert’s last book…? It is my favorite book from growing up and only today when a neighbor friend’s daughter asked to borrow it again am I realizing he wrote other books and is a well-loved author for many of those other works!

You mention KY in your post. Wondering if you are anywhere close to Clarksville TN. I plan to read some of his other book and take a road trip north to see the area they are set. Think I will start with the ‘good for kids’ titles of his you mention and then his Winning of America series. Was hoping he wrote other books like Song of the Wild but am interested to learn more about eastern Native American history through the lens of such a descriptive writer!

It’s been awhile since 2015..👍
I have read the entire series, they are great books. Some people dispute the accuracy of his "facts", but to me they are still great reading.
He is writing a narrative ie: a readable story, while not perfect history they are very accurate and a great introduction. What he got wrong doesn’t change the flow of history

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