The Roycrofters lived on a commune style facility in NY making furniture and pottery. The definitely had left leanings, if not outright socialism. This permeated the thinking of the era.
Published from 1901- 1916 in Syracuse and NYC, at the height of the Craftsman or Arts and Crafts period (think Stickley, Roycrofters, Frank Lloyd Wright)
I've been working on a couple of priming horns the last few days, as well as the never ending PA fowler.
I find things work out best when I put down a project for a while. It tends to improve enthusiasm, and therefore performance, lessening mistakes. This is especially true of complicated...
Thanks for the explanation, DaveyBoy. I was not throwing rocks, but I just had never heard of using that solution. Thanks for the education. I may try it sometime.
Wiscoaster, I may have gotten my PB from Chambers before they had the domed lid model. I just don't remember 25 yrs ago. It could have come from Track, or less likely Pec River.