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  1. The Crisco Kid

    Trade gun for grizzlies

    If I remember right, sometimes back in the 70's or 80's somewhere in Oregon or Washington a greenie had himself chained to a tree to protest logging. Along came a black bear and ate him for breakfast. I'll bet he wished he'd had a pistol, a big one.
  2. The Crisco Kid

    There is some good news after Helene

    Rice Barrels wasn't hit by the hurricane. I "talked" via email with Jason and he said that the storm was 60 miles off to the west of them that they were OK.
  3. The Crisco Kid

    Trade gun for grizzlies

    And the dog might run right under your legs to hide when he sees the bear! I quit hunting with a muzzle loader when I moved into an area that was loaded with Brown Bears. Trying to down a charging bear with one shot takes at least as much luck as it does skill. I knew 3 different hunters who got...
  4. The Crisco Kid

    Has anyone tried to make Wedge keys for barrels?

    Cleaning up a cheap commercial sight I found in my plunder. This is the best way I've found to hold the thing, soldering it to a piece of square stock.
  5. The Crisco Kid

    Has anyone tried to make Wedge keys for barrels?

    That's the way I think about it. Why spend 4 or 5 bucks when I can make one myself in a couple of days?
  6. The Crisco Kid

    UPS has outdone itself. I'm actually impressed by how massive of a failure this is, even Kiblers famous crates are no match! INSURE YOUR STUFF FOLKS!

    This crate has a reinforcement down the center inside. The handle is at the balance point for easy handling. The contents are well padded. I don't know what more I could do other than make it out of steel plate. We'll see what happens.
  7. The Crisco Kid

    Help With Valuation

    If I'm not mistaken you can become a supporting member and sell both guns here. I've sold a few and have not had any problems. The main hassle is packing them so they can't be damaged in shipping.
  8. The Crisco Kid

    Original percussion hammers - cast,forged, what?

    I have heard of turning or filing a section of steel rod to match the diameter of the original hammer nose, cutting off the worn section and then silver soldering on the new section. It will leave a slight ring of solder that will show the repair but can be done by nearly anyone.
  9. The Crisco Kid

    Finishing a walnut stock...

    You're a lot faster than I am!
  10. The Crisco Kid

    Finishing a walnut stock...

    Tried and True on Amazon is $35 a pint. If I buy a whole pint there will be enough left over to varnish my coffin. I tried hot water bath canning some poly in 4 oz. jelly jars and it seemed to be as good as new after 4 or 5 years. I don't know if it would work for other types of finish.
  11. The Crisco Kid

    Finishing a walnut stock...

    How long did you let the first coat dry? It takes a lot longer than you might think for it to completely dry. A good rule is if you can smell it on the stock it's not dry. Adding the top coats too soon adds to the problem.
  12. The Crisco Kid

    Tips for stock cleaning

    Does the wax cut through oil and grease? I've read and heard that it's the best there is for stock maintenance.
  13. The Crisco Kid

    Temp rear sight for my NWTG

    A good idea to serve the purpose. I've used epoxy that comes off with a little heat but a magnet is a better idea. I've seen a couple of original trade guns that had a rear sight made by using a sharp chisel to curl some metal up and then file a notch in it. These were later percussion guns from...
  14. The Crisco Kid

    Cannon American Eagle Safe Failed

    This is a quote from two years ago but I have thought about doing the same to my Chinese made Winchester safe. How difficult is the job?
  15. The Crisco Kid

    Read my patch...

    Lapping with a piece of green scotchbrite wrapped on an undersized bore brush gets rid of the sharp edges pretty fast.
  16. The Crisco Kid

    toe plate screws

    Log Cabin Shop:
  17. The Crisco Kid

    double set trigger question

    Did the triggers work before you took them apart to clean them? When you are adjusting them make sure the hammer is all the way down. This takes the sear out of the hammer notches. If you don't do this you risk breaking the sear nose or the hammer notch. To adjust the amount of set, back out the...
  18. The Crisco Kid

    3F powder vs. 2F in .54cal flintlock rifle

    I've used both and if there's any difference in felt recoil it's not much. If you're using 80 gr FF, 70gr FFF feels about the same.
  19. The Crisco Kid

    My latest daydream: A Kibler escopeta ...

    Pretty rough sights on an otherwise nice looking gun.
  20. The Crisco Kid

    32 Crockett cleaning headaches

    I've had a problem where the jag and patch went down easy but got stuck tight on the way back out. The patch got wadded up behind the head of the jag somehow due to not enough clearance between the head and the shank of the jag and it jammed in the bore, or something like that.