toe plate screws

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Apr 17, 2018
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i need a little help. i have done several Kibler SMR and i always cut for a toe plate. i had screws a friend had but now we are both out of them. i have ordered screws a couple of times but they are not right. they need to be short enough where they won't run into the butt plate screw or hit the butt at the back screw. the ones i have are #6 and they are just too big. does anyone know where i can get the right ones? thanks for the help......................
I had done some thought about this after I ran into the same problem. That perhaps I was just a bit too close to the buttplate. And, that just maybe having a screw that close, even though small, might cause the toe to crack at some point in the future.

It almost seems like leaving too much hanging out there without a screw in it. I am not sure what is the best solution.
i need a little help. i have done several Kibler SMR and i always cut for a toe plate. i had screws a friend had but now we are both out of them. i have ordered screws a couple of times but they are not right. they need to be short enough where they won't run into the butt plate screw or hit the butt at the back screw. the ones i have are #6 and they are just too big. does anyone know where i can get the right ones? thanks for the help......................
Muzzleloader builders supply
I just trimmed the screw length to an appropriate depth. Head can be milled down in height or turned in a drill to reduce diameter so as to better fit the toeplate.

No sense paying a shipping fee for a couple screws when you can improvise.