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  1. Okurok

    Northern Rifleman

    I added something to the cart and took it all the way to payment info and they do take credit cards. Usually a scam site will make you pay with zelle or some other payment method that doesn't allow any charge backs. That makes them a somewhat manageable risk if you use a credit card.
  2. Okurok

    Does anyone even do this anymore?

    On revolvers I run a q-tip type thingie thru each chamber. That absorbs the oil and pushes air thru the nipples clearing out any oil. I still fire 2 caps on my rifles after swabbing oil out. I place the muzzle against a leaf or blade of grass. I fire caps until I see it jump.
  3. Okurok

    platinum lined vents

    I just purchased one for $60 from Buffalo Arms Company.
  4. Okurok

    Hats by L'il Grizz

    That's good to know! Thanks
  5. Okurok

    Opinions on Dangler browning solution

    The product is described on the Log Cabin Shop website as a cleaner-degreaser. Good to know it works as advertised. I think I'm going to order me some.
  6. Okurok

    Opinions on Dangler browning solution

    Log Cabin Shop Still being made. Never used it so don't have an opinion on how good it is.
  7. Okurok

    Is the Woodsrunner that easy?

    There is a difference in the amount of skill and effort that goes into the different "kits". From the old TC and CVA to Kiblers to TOTW and such to stocking the gun parts from a plank to forging the barrel and locks from raw materials. Call it what you will but hopefully no one is suggesting...
  8. Okurok

    Did you draw? Colorado

    Colorado still has OTC tags for certain Units and seasons. It can get confusing. I usually put in for a unit I know I won't get just to accumulate points and then either grab a leftover tag or OTC Tag
  9. Okurok

    Did you draw? Colorado

    I put in for muzzleloader bear and elk. Used up my 4 elk points.
  10. Okurok

    Sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself!

    A buddy and searched for a half hour once for an errant detent spring when I looked up and noticed it stuck to his beard.
  11. Okurok

    Did you draw? Colorado

    I drew unit 67 elk and bear. Planning on taking those days off and spending it all out there.
  12. Okurok

    It appears that…..

    I'd swear some people here walk on water. But I can't. Don't hurt my feelings none either if some one mocks me when I do mess up. At least not for long. You're doing one thing right if you've dry balled. You're out shooting instead of tapping on a keyboard.
  13. Okurok

    Picked up a halfstock GRRW flintlock Leman Indian Trade Rifle

    Had the opportunity to purchase a GRRW Flintlock Indian Trade Rifle. In really good condition. Had some questions about the makers mark that hopefully someone can answer for me. Who is LP? Goes well with my other Lemans, a GRRW Little Leman in .45 and my Leman project that is long over due in...
  14. Okurok

    Green River Rifle Works Leman Trade Gun

    That's a mighty nice find. Are y'all looking to sell them? I'd be interested
  15. Okurok

    CO building class???

    Kind of a old post but Jack Brooks used to give classes. He lives in Englewood CO. Great gunsmith. Jack Brooks
  16. Okurok

    Out of stock everywhere

    Have you tried Cherry's out of S Carolina? If they don't have it in stock they may be able to get you on a backorder list. Cherry's Fine Guns
  17. Okurok

    Tap and Die Set

    I get US made individual taps in the sizes I need from Kodiak Cutting Tools
  18. Okurok

    Hats by L'il Grizz

    I have 2 of their hats. Ordered both off of Etsy. Ordered a classic mountain man hat in black. First time ordering a hat like that and got it slightly too big. Loved it so I ordered another with slightly smaller measurements in sand color. Fit perfect, very comfortable. Feels and looks like what...
  19. Okurok

    Will the bottom fall out of the custom build business?

    Definitely not worth your time. I'm warming my keyboard up so I'll be ready to write a novel.