Been loading muzzle stuffers since the 70s.
NEVER have dry balled, Not once.

Been loading muzzle stuffers since the 70s.
NEVER have dry balled, Not once.
The record has to go to the recent personage who dry balled deliberately before he had even finished making his gun...some folks go to supreme efforts to make trouble for themselves concerning dry balling
Yeah, placing in the ball without any powder first!What's 'dryballin' ? SW
How snarky and proud you sound. Let’s make fun of someone for trying something. Little did he know that the bullet puller would break. Then when he asked for help and advice, all the know-it-alls and trolls started up.The record has to go to the recent personage who dry balled deliberately before he had even finished making his gun...
Harsh lolHonestly anyone who dry balls kinda scares me, what else are they forgetting, do they know the difference between black powder and smokeless powder, or which end of the barrel is the muzzle?
There’s gotta be 850 pages here already!!You fellows need to write a book:
Commonly the same folks who like to point out about never having dryballed are usually the same ones that claim to have never had an accidental discharge, to which I like to reply.................. Yet.some folks go to supreme efforts to make trouble for themselves concerning dry balling, getting manure stuck in their barrels whether or not tools or whatever type of projectile they wish to shoot! I’m of the opinion that READING before hand prior to DOING would solve many of these issues because in the final analysis this game isn’t rocket science and does not require a PhD to enjoy the game!