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  1. enfield


    Dear friends of the black stuff Each to his own ! I can only talk from my own expirences with old target pistols , which were made after ca 1840 . ( OK , some flinters from the early 1800 , too ) The ones , which I personally own and also those , which I could handle from friend's collections...
  2. enfield


    Be sure : ALL OF MY ORIGINALS are carefully inspected and test fired in a safe place with a string , clamped to a kind of vice , before I shoot them ! And remember : more than one that I inspected after I've bought it , turned out loaded ! ALLWAYS BE CAREFUL !
  3. enfield


    You may call me a "barbar" , but for over 30 years now , I'm shooting but original , vintage pistols . I started BP shooting with my first pistol , a Pedersoli " Le Page" , which was , and still is a very nice and precise pistol . Then , I could shoot my first "original" , a Belgian "mid...
  4. enfield

    Anybody guess what this is?

    Congratulitions for Your gorgeous revolver . Me , too, am shooting an 1854 Adams beauty , made and singned by LAC ( London Arms Company ) in competition . It's not a CSA signed gun , but only for comparison . There were not only Colts in the ancient world ! Others , too , made great guns ...
  5. enfield

    I want to build an underhammer

    This main spring is not from an underhammer type , where the trigger guard is also acting as main spring like the Billinghurst etc. , but from an original , vintage Ruggles patent gun .
  6. enfield

    I want to build an underhammer

    The with of the spring is slightly less than the with of the "system" and the slot is also close to the with of the penetrating trigger . Please see the attatched photos of an original , vintage spring .
  7. enfield

    I want to build an underhammer

    If You are interested , there is another thread that might give You an idea what could be made even from some "scrap" material :
  8. enfield

    Ruggles Patent Underhammer Pistol

    ... and still some potential for some higher score :D:D:D
  9. enfield

    Ruggles Patent Underhammer Pistol

    Today , finally our shooting range has opened for the first time since Corona and I've promised to show , how my new built "Corona - Spl." performs . Load is 6,5gr Swiss No.1 , .290 RB pure lead , 0,01 patch , spit . 25m distance . I shot free hand standing on intl. competition target (...
  10. enfield

    Greetings from Austria

    Auch von mir ein herzliches Willkommen ! Falls Du irgendwelche Fragen hast , darfst Du Dich gerne auch an mich wenden . Ich sammle und schiesse schon seit über 40 Jahre Vorderlader , von militärischen Waffen verstehe ich allerdings nicht allzu viel ...Dafür aber umso mehr von Scheiben/Duell -...
  11. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    Thank You . Now I not only have read but hopefully understood the rules .
  12. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    Hi , Zonie , Your'e absolutely right , but in this thread one or the other might be thinking of a reconverted pistol here and therefore proposed it to formerly have been a breechloader , in the first instance remembering the invention of a French gunmaker . I'd also were glad , if the...
  13. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    be sure , as a collector/shooter , I never made , make or will make any fakes ! I'm also not interested in making much money , but rather to preserve beautiful antique works of art
  14. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    Thank You very much for Your input and most of all , the attached drawing of the system , which really shows some similarity with my pistol ! For a pure target pistol , if wouldn't make much sense for having a side cocking hammer that would destroy the clear line of sight , and it also would...
  15. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    I don't think so , when you take another look , You will find , that te nipple is installed with a slight upward ankle , also the size of the breech plug hook is too narrow and is also a patent breech plug that couldn't have been converted
  16. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    Most European target pistols had similar trigger guards then , I have and handled dozens of them ... BUT : Your motto really impresses me !
  17. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    This was also my first idea , but the Flobert parlor pistols were made later and are breech loaders . Some of them were converted in Germany from the 70' on by threading in a nipple and grinding the face of the hammer flat , due to the very restrictive German gun control , which only allows...
  18. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    Fortunately , the base of the hammer was still present . With lots of thoughts/drawings/trials , I was lucky to reshape it as I think , it should be , and most of all , it works . But still , I don't know , who could have invented/built this entire pisto/system l 😞 Really astonishing , but...
  19. enfield

    Can everyone help to indentify this gun ?

    For over 40 years now , I'm a collector/shooter of vintage target pistols and litterally hundreds of them , I was able to handle/possess , restaure /shoot/trade to fellow shoters , but recently , I've got that one chance in my collecting live ,having been able to purchase something , what I...
  20. enfield

    Gaaah! Help! Can't get stuck ball out

    I know , my post is a little out of topic , but maybe , there is someone who likes to read it since I also had a stuck load : It's almost 40 years ago that I offered my help to the local museum of my home town , who had a really nice collection of different , scarce and interestig , but...