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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. leverfred

    Conversion Question

    You are most welcome. Good luck with your project.
  2. leverfred

    Conversion Question

    5/16" x 24. It is easy to tap the threads different. I have done it 3 times with no failures. I recut the threads on the drum, not the barrel.
  3. leverfred

    Conversion Question

    I have a new drum that is 5/16" and I have one 3/8". Would you like me to send you one? If so, send me a PM.
  4. leverfred

    WANTED looking for the lightest 32 cal barrel available

    Thanks for the replies. I was hoping a 5/8" barrel was made. I am going to pick up a 3/4" and have a friend machine it down for me.
  5. leverfred

    SOLD Caywood Wilson Trade Gun 20 guage smoothbore

    Great price on a great gun. Congrats!
  6. leverfred

    WANTED looking for the lightest 32 cal barrel available

    I am looking for the lightest 32 cal barrel available. Does anybody know what that is and where to purchase one? Barrel must be at least 30 inches long.
  7. leverfred

    Old Hickory Knife rework

    Here are a few that I have done.
  8. leverfred

    Old Hickory Knife rework

    I have done a few as well. I cut the blades under water. I will post pictures when I get home.
  9. leverfred

    Caliber for a dedicated target rifle

    I use a 40 that I built, gets the job done.
  10. leverfred

    single set trigger?

    You are welcome.
  11. leverfred

    single set trigger?

    You sure can. I done the same thing on my last pistol and rifle build. Made a lot of difference in accurracy.
  12. leverfred


    PM answered and I thank you. Thread closed please as waarp8nt is sending me some pieces.
  13. leverfred


    I am looking for some scrap pieces of muzzleloader barrels to practice on. If anyone has some they would like to sell, I would appreciate it. Thank you.
  14. leverfred

    WITHDRAWN Roach Belly

    I can vouch as well. I have a few different styles and they are high quality steel!
  15. leverfred

    SOLD 32 caliber Tennessee Squirrel Rifle Flintlock

    YES. He sent me a tracking number for UPS but nothing will show up til Monday as they do not work weekends. Seller will not answer any of my questions though.
  16. leverfred

    SOLD 32 caliber Tennessee Squirrel Rifle Flintlock

    I sent funds, but it went to a company email in Chatanooga, is this a scam?