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  1. 3

    Casting moulds -- All out of stock

    Read on a couple online vendors that Lee will have some available around December. Have to wait and see.
  2. 3

    Is Swiss powder "the best" for general BP shooting

    Goex and grafs works fine for me just for hunting. Did get did get a pound of swiss the other day at the local shop was all they had in stock. Have to see if it's worth the extra $8.
  3. 3

    Starting out casting balls and bullets

    I just use an old tuna can a pair of channel locks and a gas grill side burner. Just make sure to be careful and wear safety glasses and leather gloves. Do it outdoors or in a well ventilated area careful of the fumes, wash hands good after handling.
  4. 3

    sight height

  5. 3

    WANTED TC Hawken .50/.54 flintlock

    Thanks for the help everyone, I forget about this. I found a guy had a .50 & .45 kit guns he made a package deal so I bought them both. The .45 is clean but the .50 bore was pitted pretty bad. I sent it to Mr. Hoyt for a .54 rebore. We can close this thread.
  6. 3

    WANTED Thompson center hawken .50 flintlock barrel

    I looked the 2 on there are pitted. Might have to find a 15/16" breech plug and put on a percussion barrel.
  7. 3

    WANTED Thompson center hawken .50 flintlock barrel

    Hello, Looking for a Thompson center hawken flintlock barrel in .50 cal. Thank you, Jeff
  8. 3

    FOR SALE WTB TC Hawken trigger guard & 15/16" barrel tang

    Awesome thank you both PM's on the way.
  9. 3

    FOR SALE WTB TC Hawken trigger guard & 15/16" barrel tang

    Looking for TC Hawken brass trigger guard and 15/16" barrel tang with screws. Thank you.
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    WANTED TC Hawken .50/.54 flintlock

    Just going to have to watch for one. Thank you all for the help I really appreciate it.
  11. 3

    WANTED TC Hawken .50/.54 flintlock

    Looking for a flintlock TC .Hawken in 50 or .54 cal. Thank you.
  12. 3

    FOR SALE Wtb .50 cal. R.e.a.l. conicals

    What grain and how many are you looking for?
  13. 3

    Visiting just west of Philly...what to see?

    Cornwall iron furnace is a must see, don't forget Lebanon bologna with your Birch beer.
  14. 3

    Looking for 45cal balls

    I have a box of .440 you can have if you can't find any.
  15. 3

    TC Renegade unknown plug?

    Excellent replies everyone, thank you! Makes sense now this is the first one I seen like this.
  16. 3

    TC Renegade unknown plug?

    Hello, I seen this renegade barrel and noticed an unknown plug on the opposite side of the breech plug. No clean out screw, maybe an attempt at a different clean out screw location looks factory. Any thoughts?
  17. 3

    First attempt at pouring round balls.

    Looks good for your first try. Give it some time and you will get the hang of it and get that mould loosened up. Like said above smoke your cavities and sprue plate holes it helps to release the lead. No need for fancy tools, I use an old tuna can for my melting pot.