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  1. W

    Plastic Short Starter

    I took a picture and stored it in my PC can someone tell me how to downsize it and post it? Or can someone post it for me. Thanks, ET :huh:
  2. W

    Plastic Short Starter

    Several years ago I bought some white plastic short starters, the material maybe delrin. They work great for starting the ball and cutting the patch. I cannot find them now. Does anyone know where I can get them? Thanks, ET
  3. W

    Percussion Shotgun Question

    Got mine at Harbor freight. :m2c:
  4. W

    H&A Underhammer .36

    The current models have no hand guard or wrist guard. :m2c:The trigger guard is the hammer spring.
  5. W

    H&A Underhammer .36

    If we had enough people interested I could do a custom order so forum members could get them at a discount. If they are in stock to ship.
  6. W

    ATTN ALL TEXANS: TMLRA Frost on the Cactus

    I do not shoot in a club, just hunt. I was wondering if the will have traders with guns for sale. I am looking for a .36 or .40 flinter in the Ohio style. ::
  7. W

    Who Done This?

    I had a 100 yard shot at a really nice hill country buck and quietly cocked the hammer. Next I set the rear trigger and started to bring the rifle up to the deer when I just put my finger on the front trigger and it fired. The ball hit about 25 yards in front of the buck and he took off never...
  8. W

    H&A Underhammer .36

    They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :master:
  9. W

    H&A Underhammer .36

    The under hammer is not a very pretty gun yet it is one of the most efficent actions for black powder. You can use swaged or cast .36 caliber balls or #000 buckshot. Even though not historical accurate you can shoot .357 hollow base wadcutters for hog or deer if legal in your area with...
  10. W

    New Crockett rifle

    I polished the bore with several flitz patches and the #0 buckshot loaded much easier.
  11. W

    cva lock

    Deer Creek 765-525-6181 There is one on ebay right now. :redthumb:
  12. W

    New Flint on the way!!!

    A T/C Hawken in 50. I realize that it's not PC. But I paid less for NIB than most T/C Hawkens sell for used and could not pass it up. Did you buy from and individual or did you find some place that has a deal...
  13. W

    New Crockett rifle

    You guys can also use the hornady #1 buckshot with thick patch. Rabbits and squirrels can't tell it from the # 0 but my target shows it is a little less accurate. If anyone finds a flashcup that will fit the crockett let me know. :m2c:
  14. W

    Mowrey, Mowry ?

    Finished rifles are not available, only kits which are assembled. :m2c:
  15. W

    Flint pistols

    I have a new in the box Deer Creek American 45 flint pistol kit I would take $135.00 for, plus $10.00 shipping and insurance. The plastic on the kit has not even been broken. ET :redthumb:
  16. W

    Mowrey, Mowry ?

    The only ones available today are Mowreys in kit form from Deer Creek Products in Indiana. :m2c:
  17. W

    Looking for Flintlock Small Game Rifle

    I have several caplock squirrel rifles in .32 and .40 (TC cherokee, Traditions crockett and TOW vincent)and would like to add a reasonably priced flinter to my collection. I have heard mostly bad about Traditions, some good and bad about pedersoli or blue ridge flinters and a custom cost more...
  18. W

    Buckshot for .32 rifle balls?

    Speer no longer makes buck shot except for #00 which is .330 :sorry:
  19. W

    .32 vs .36

  20. W

    traditions crockett rifle

    Tang :master: