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  1. Tumbledown

    September GEEZER SHOOT

    We started with a standard paper bullseye target, which also served as a tiebreaker for equal overall scores at the end. There were clay pigeons, driving nails on a board, shooting hanging charcoal briquetes (bonus if you also hit the ring some distance behind), the ring itself, a sheet metal...
  2. Tumbledown

    Has anyone tried to make Wedge keys for barrels?

    But it won't look like a piece of steel heated with a torch and beaten with a hammer. Plus there's the factor of the value of the time involved.
  3. Tumbledown

    Midway Sale Uberti 1860 Army

    There have been reports here of "sale" guns from Midway not functioning properly.
  4. Tumbledown

    Converting to half-stock. Worth it for historical value?

    I redid a Traditions Kentucky Rifle kit as a half stock. I made a wood rib, which some guns had. This is one I used for my inspiration, and my result. I did it because I wanted a half stock with a barrel longer than the typical 24"-28" kit guns, and the Kentucky kit was cheap. The rib is a...
  5. Tumbledown

    Thoughts on traditions rocklocks

    Mine had a wave washer in the frizzen pivot. I replaced it with a flat washer as a spacer, greatly reducing the friction. I also smoothed and polished the casting seam where the frizzen contacts the spring, and slightly reshaped the profile so it snaps open on its own once the flint travels far...
  6. Tumbledown


    Your little store might not turn over much inventory. The problem is GOEX currently isn't producing sporting powder to replace what's been sold. They are focusing on military powders.
  7. Tumbledown

    Scrimshawed Powder Horn

    How polished was the horn when you started? I have had horns polished to a glossy finish, and they were very difficult to scrim well. The tool has a tendency to slip too easily. Last one I did was scrape the entire surface with a blade, which helped immensely. For basic scrim work, a scribe...
  8. Tumbledown

    NMLRA membership increase

    They are poorly managed. As covid was still shutting things down, they scheduled an event, and took deposits, knowing there was a chance it wouldn't be held. State said no dice. The NMLRA refused to refund any money, saying rules are rules and they have a policy of no refunds ever. That smacks...
  9. Tumbledown

    How varied was the craftsmanship on original Kentucky rifles?

    Good news for me. I'm currently working on a kit from TOTW that someone else started. The only school this will represent is Preschool! :ghostly:
  10. Tumbledown

    How varied was the craftsmanship on original Kentucky rifles?

    I know it's Facebook, but the Kentucky Rifle Foundation shows a good many examples on their page.
  11. Tumbledown

    Why did odd stocks die out?

    Old inventory was used up, but hey did not continue in production.
  12. Tumbledown

    Why did odd stocks die out?

    Economy of wood, both in weight and the quantity of stocks a tree could yield. For example, the British King's Musket changed the stock shape from the Long Land Pattern to the Short Land Pattern to lessen wood waste.
  13. Tumbledown

    Hollow points

    How about a mandrel with a center point that would go in the hole, and a shoulder that would push on the rim of the nose?
  14. Tumbledown

    Hollow points

    What exactly are you looking to accomplish? If you're looking for SD, a semiwadcutter or flat nose is going to leave a massive wound channel. The hydrostatic shock is much greater than round noses. Modern JHP bullets do a similar thing when the tip mushrooms out.
  15. Tumbledown

    Pondering a flintlock. Educate me.

    One thing to think about if you're target shooting, particularly at steel at a distance- you want something heavy enough to either move the target or make an audible report. I've seen issues at woods walks with small calibers where no one can determine if there was a hit without physically...
  16. Tumbledown

    Old Maine Guy

    Does your Doc put those zirks in hips, too? I could use one of them... Georgetown, huh? Where do you go to shoot? I'm over in Brunswick.
  17. Tumbledown

    Old Maine Guy

    Welcome from Brunswick.
  18. Tumbledown

    Stripping a Buttstock Finish?

    You actually prove my point. Not everyone whiskers a stock, nor is there a need to if not using a stripper, which then requires washing off.
  19. Tumbledown

    Stripping a Buttstock Finish?

    Last couple of times I stripped a stock, I used a rasp, scraped it, then sanded it smooth. Chemical strippers are faster, but raise the grain and actually require more finish work, IMO.
  20. Tumbledown

    Getting the patent breech clean

    You don't need to pull the liner or breech plug. You also don't need to oil it. With your barrel half full of soapy water, put a cleaning patch on your rod and put it down thebarrel until you meet the water. Pull whatever is plugging the touch hole, and ram the rod home. You'll blast any...