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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Newtire

    Swiss Rifle

    I bought this rifle on GunBroker in January 2018 for $800.00. It reminds me of the guns I saw in a museum in Speyer, Germany while vacationing there back in the 1980’s. There were racks of these kinds of rifles standing right next to the aisle where one could touch them. Most of those were...
  2. Newtire

    Remember this Davy Crockett movie scene?

    Yes! My brother and I watched that one together and recall that whenever we get to talking about old TV shows.
  3. Newtire

    2 Questions - Does cleaning patch size matter? - When do you need to re-blue your barrel?

    I I don't know about others but have had real good luck with Blue Wonder. You just have to get the metal hot enough or you will Wonder where the Blue went. Done correctly, I haven't found anything better or equal even.
  4. Newtire

    Shot Card Magazine

    This ranks right up there with laces on boots, pockets on shirts, sliced bread and a few other things of a similar nature. Black powder shooters have needed this!
  5. Newtire

    Did I make a mistake? or Is there a misconception about smoking molds?

    I have heard that about using Kroil but thought that the mold had to be free of oil to prevent wrinkles in the boolits. Then again, I know they do get rusty (iron molds) in damp climates unless you do something to prevent the rust. Here in the high desert area of Idaho, I haven't seen a...
  6. Newtire

    Did I make a mistake? or Is there a misconception about smoking molds?

    Have never seen any bad results after smoking but have had plenty of bad results by not smoking. After a few casting sessions, my molds all start casting and dropping bullets without sticking. I have also found tiny burrs along the edge of the cavities can be spotted with strong magnifying...
  7. Newtire

    Your most 'interesting' muzzleloader transaction ?

    I bought a target style contemporary muzzleloader from a guy on a well known online auction house (not GunBroker). It arrived in a box that appeared immaculate on the outside but inside was a gun that had a shattered buttstock and false muzzle pins that were severely bent as if someone who was...
  8. Newtire

    A Quick GOEX Update

    Did you ever notice that if you multiply the word Folgers by 666 and subtract 666 from that, you end up with the word Pyrodex? Now, tell me that's a coincidence!
  9. Newtire

    A Quick GOEX Update

    Trouble is, as I see it, many people seem to lump things into a political category that has really nothing to do with politics. One guy I know puts the kind of coffee he drinks or whether one powder coats their bullets or not into the same category. No wonder younger people lose interest...
  10. Newtire

    50 PRB speed over a chrono

    That's a great unit so far as I've used mine. A friend of mine has the more expensive one that sits on the bench and you shoot right next to it. It also does a great job. I was worried that he was going to get mad when my gun sooted it all up but he just laughed and wiped it off. Some...
  11. Newtire

    Things said that make me want to shoot alone

    I made the mistake of taking a second shot with a big unmentionable rifle that a guy offered to let me shoot. I should have quit after the first shot! That man Roy sure made some shoulder bruisers. Nope, I'll pass on a 4-bore. It would be fun to watch though. Black powder is more of a big...
  12. Newtire

    Things said that make me want to shoot alone

    Most everyone I've met at ranges have been real interested in my muzzleloader that I was using that day. Have even met some nice women but I was already taken off the market. I have never been turned down when I offered them a shot or two. I have more fun than they do when they break a clay...
  13. Newtire

    Your most 'interesting' muzzleloader transaction ?

    I bought my first muzzleloader for $5.00 from a friend who got it off of a guy his parents bought a house from. It was a smoothbore with a missing mainspring. It got given away to one of my Dad's friends while I was away in the Navy.
  14. Newtire

    Terminology/naming help please

    I think they call that a "Cape gun". Heard that they were popular in Africa in the southern cape area where a bird hunter might run into a bigger critter. You use the rifle barrel to wound your partner so as to make him easier for the big critter to mangle or otherwise make him an easier meal.
  15. Newtire

    Small Powder Measure for Percussion Squirrel Rifle?

    Load up a bunch of plastic tubes with the caps on the ends ahead of time and have fun at the range or out shooting. No wasted time measuring out powder.
  16. Newtire

    I need help with DIY wads

    I subscribe to the school of just a hard card, then shot, then overshot-no cushion. Probably there are better ways but hunting a hot dove field, I seldom have time for anything else.
  17. Newtire

    Got any dumb statements by idiots?? (Muzzleloading shooting related)

    One of the range masters told me he always loaded a charge of powder and fired it off to clear the bore of oil. Since I started doing that. I rarely get misfires.